Page 75 of A Heart That’s True
I raise my eyebrows. “I’m not dancing with you again, Kit, so you better take the deal.” The tension in the room dissolves and the men laugh.
Kit wags his eyebrows at me. “Do you have a single sister, Kate? I need to find me a woman like you.”
I tap my finger over my mouth, thinking. “Hmm—no, but I have a cousin, and you two might just deserve each other.”
Everyone sits down and this business meeting gets into full swing. New papers are being drawn up. Conference calls with L.A and New York are being scheduled, and as interesting as this should be to me, I’m bored out of my mind.
Cole’s completely wrapped up in ordering his secretary around and talking on the phone or with his grandfather or a lawyer. The more I watch him, the more turned on I get. My cheeks heat and my body pulses with want. I need to get out of here before I combust. But I don’t know how to get Cole’s attention without everyone noticing. So, I decide to call him. I watch him pull his phone out, look at it, and then glance up at me. “Answer it,” I mouth.
He holds a finger up to his secretary and walks out of her ear shot. “This is Holt.”
“Mr. Holt, I have Mrs. Holt on the phone for you and she’s requesting a ride home.”
“Well, please tell her, her request is granted.” I watch him look me over. “Is there anything else she’s requesting?”
“She says if you have any available time, she wouldn’t mind a minute or two with you in the elevator. She says she would rather have a few minutes on this conference table, but she doesn’t want an audience.”
Cole’s eyes turn dark, and he puts his hand in his pant pocket. I smile, chuckling lightly. “Oh, Cookie, I’ll meet you in ten minutes in the conference room at the end of the hallway. I think you remember which one.”
My eyes get big, and I stand up. “It’s a deal, but don’t be late or I might have to start without you.”
“Cookie, you better go before I can’t help myself and we do have an audience.”
I disconnect my call, grab my purse, and walk to the door. Luke tries to follow, but Cole stops him, saying something I don’t hear. I walk out into the outer office area; it’s quiet, everyone has gone for the day. I glance back at the closed door to the conference room, grateful that everything turned out all right.
I get a text message; it’s from Laura, asking how things are going, but she’ll have to wait. I have more important things to attend to. I click my phone off and am about to put it in my purse when the office door swings open. I look up to find Olivia blocking my exit.
“You!” she hisses at me.
Wait—what the hell did I do? I think she’s confused our roles.
“You told Cole about me and Kit.” She comes at me in full attack mode. I push one of the office chairs out, putting it between us.
I’m not having a repeat of the other day, however—remembering the feel of pulling her hair out, comes flooding back, and it’s not really that bad of a memory.
“Sorry,” I say, trying to keep a cool head, “Kit told Cole. That’s what happens when you handcuff someone to a bed and then pass out.”
Olivia tries to reach around me, but I push the chair out at her. This gives me a chance to run behind a row of stationary chairs. I just can’t help myself. “Well, actually I guess that’s wrong, we experienced it firsthand, you know, since we came to help Kit out of his predicament and stuffed you back in your dress. Well, Cole didn’t help with that part, but Luke and Kit did.”
Olivia’s eyes widen and almost bulge out their sockets. “When I get my hands on you, I’m going to kill you.”
Uh—wow, she just threatened me. Maybe it’s time to call for reinforcements. I look at the conference door, wondering if I should yell for someone.
“Just so you know, no one told Preston. Cole and I like Kit, so our lips are sealed.”
“Not likely. I know it’s you who’s blackmailing me.”
I stop. “Blackmail?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“Seriously, you think I’m blackmailing you. Think about what you’re saying. Really think.” I mean, she can’t seriously think I have it in me to do something like that. I fell apart the last time we fought. However, it’s not as if the idea hadn’t crossed my mind. But I think of myself as a good decent person. I’m far removed from such an awful scam and am the opposite of where Olivia’s concerned.
“This is what I think...” And she launches herself at me.
“COLE!” I scream as Olivia pushes me and we both go toppling to the floor. I try to crawl away, but she grabs my hair, yanking me back. My scalp burns as she tightens her hold, yanking harder. I scream again. I elbow her in the chest, and she lets go of my hair. I look at the door, but no one has come running out of it. How loud do I have to scream?
“Cole!” I shout again. I grab onto a chair and try to stand, but Olivia seems to have regained her breath, and grabs onto my leg and I fall again. Somehow, we’ve ended up back in front of the secretary’s desk. Olivia reaches up, knocking a cup of pens over. They roll off onto the floor. In the cup is a pair of scissors. We both grab for them, but she beats me to them.