Page 105 of So That Happened
“But not anymore,” she adds quickly. “I’ve decided that I’m not into guys who don’t see me like I want to be seen.”
My mind spins back to Justin. “Smart, Ness. I get that.”
“So I’ve decided that I’m going to put all of my focus on the guy I’m dating.”
“You’re dating someone?” I practically choke. The woman has been visibly drooling over our boss since I started.
“Yes. And I wasn’t sure about him, but I’ve decided to go for it. Put my all behind it and see what happens, see where it goes. There’s no point in thinking about all the things I can’t have. I need to focus on what Idohave.” Her voice is softer than usual.
I reach forward and put my hand on her arm. “That’s a great plan.”
“Thanks.” She gives her head a shake. “Anyway. Think there’ll be drinks at this thing? I’d kill for a Sex on the Beach right now.”
As Barb and Nessa talk cocktails, I slump in the backseat, lost in thought.
Vanessa may be taking a step back from crushing on the boss, but me? I can’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to take a step closer.
* * *
In my twenty-six-and-a-half years on this planet, I’ve managed to avoid playing laser tag. And now that I’m here, it doesn’t seem that I’ve missed much.
The building is dimly-lit, dingy, and smells vaguely of dirty socks. A bored teenager checks our group in, and as he does so, a herd of little boys come flying out of the “arena,” as it’s called, shoving each other and making farting noises with their underarms.
Vanessa stares at them in horror, then looks at her stiletto sandals. “I don’t think I have the right footwear for this.”
“Didn’t you plan this?”
“Luke wanted to go—I just booked it,” Vanessa splutters. “I didn’t bother to look into how it actually works. I thought it would be kinda like a nightclub or something.”
“A nightclub?” I repeat. At least I’m not the only laser tag virgin. And thankfully, I’m wearing my trusty tie-dye canvas sneakers.
Although the billowy white maxi skirt I’ve paired them with was probably not my smartest choice of attire.
“You know. Dark room, pulsing music, laser lights flashing. I thought it would be kind of…” She casts another horrified eye over the hoard of boys, zeroing in on where one boy is currently giving another a wedgie. “Sexy.”
I sputter out a laugh. “Safe to say you were wrong?”
“One thousand percent wrong,” she concedes. “But at least Mr. D looks happy.”
I glance at Luke, who’s strapping himself into one of the weird chest harness-y things we’ve all been given. He’s grinning from ear to ear and heckling anyone within a five-foot radius. “Guy looks like he’s a regular here.”
Vanessa pulls a face. “Not what I would’ve expected.”
I smile as I focus my attention on Liam. He’s changed out of his work suit and into a black t-shirt and charcoal jeans. Which means those gorgeous, colorful arm tattoos are in full view. I soak in the sight as he sits on a bench and clips himself into his harness with ease.
“I think Liam’s done this before, too,” I say, surprised.
Vanessa’s jaw slackens. “Holy moly. Those tattoos should be illegal. Not that I’m looking.”
I don’t reply. I’m too busy trying not to swallow my tongue.
I like to think I’m not a shallow person, that I value depth. That physical appearance isn’t important, that…
Oh, who am I kidding? When it comes to looking at this man, I’m practically a puddle.
Ten minutes later—with no small amount of effort—we’re all clipped into our harnesses, armed with large, bulky plastic guns, and being ushered into a “training room.” There, another teenage boy gives us a rundown of how the game works, how to shoot our guns, and what to expect when we’re in the arena. All between sneaking surreptitious glances at Vanessa’s legs.
“So remember, you guys are playing our Mega Death game—which means that there’s no limit on how many times you can shoot another player when they’ve been temporarily stunned.”