Page 24 of So That Happened
It’s dark in the bedroom, anyhow. He won’t get a glimpse of my pale, stubbly legs.
I make another quick decision, fold my clothes, then pull his t-shirt over my head. It’s huge and comfortable and smells like heaven.
Good choice.
I slip back into the bedroom and slide into bed next to Liam. But there’s no way on earth I’ll be falling asleep tonight.
What was I thinking? How could I have let that happen?
I throw my suitcase in the back of my vehicle with a little too much force, and slam the trunk shut. Breathe in deeply as I walk around the car to the driver’s seat, attempting to clear my head and calm my whirling mind. I have more important things to address right now than my intense stupidity.
Leaning my head against the headrest, I slip my phone out of my pocket and send a text.
Liam:On my way. Be there asap.
I wish I could go home to a hot shower and my perfectly plush bed. I never sleep properly when I’m traveling, and last night, I fought it off for hours. Just listening to the steady breathing of the woman beside me as I lay in the dark, forcing myself to keep my eyes open.
It didn’t work, of course. But what happened shouldneverhave happened.
I still can’t fathom exactlyhowit happened. Am I really that starved of physical contact?
As a general rule, I keep people at arm’s length. Physically, emotionally, every -ally you can imagine.
So why did I wake up with my arms wrapped tightly around Annie Jacobs this morning?
I give my head a firm shake. Shove away the memory of her face pressed against my chest, my hand on her warm lower back, curled in the material of my t-shirt on her body.
This was clearly just a blip, a one-time temporary break in the matrix or whatever you call it. Cuddling a stranger in my sleep may not be my proudest moment, but it’s not like I’ll ever see her again. In a week’s time, I’m sure this will all be forgotten.
With that comforting thought, I start the car and One Direction blares at top volume from the speakers. I almost jump out of my skin at the high-pitched, poppy sound, and I catch a smirk from the leather-jacketed dude securing his bags to the Harley Davidson parked next to my car.
Freaking Legs and her boy bands.
Despite everything that’s happened in the last twelve hours, the thought of her warms my chest. Of course I won’t go home first, I can’t wait to see her.
I turn off the radio and wind down all the windows so the car fills with the balmy early-spring Atlanta air, thick with the sweet scent of impending rain.
It’s good to be home.
As I drive towards the pay station, I dig in my suit pocket for my parking stub. My hand unexpectedly closes around something… sticky.
I retrieve the piece of candy, which I think is meant to be in the shape of a fried egg. A goopy orange blob in the middle of a gummy white circle. Leftover from yesterday’s candy shower, I assume.
I can’t help but smirk humorlessly as I look at it.
This morning was… awkward, to put it mildly. I wasn’t sure what to say or do. So, in typical Liam form, I reacted in what was probably the exact opposite way I should have: I packed up and slipped away while she was in the bathroom. She didn’t want to see me anyway, I told myself.
But then, of course, we had to get on the plane.
Which meant three more hours stuck next to Annie. I was rigid in my seat, all too aware of her sweet ocean scent and her warmth. Both of which were way too close for comfort.
The second the plane touched down in ATL, Annie gave Rosemary a hug, wished her luck with Walter, and then practically climbed over her to make her escape.
Proving that she can be early for things if she tries.