Page 67 of So That Happened
Liam unbuckles his seatbelt. “You coming?”
I raise a brow. “To the dance studio?”
“Yeah,” he says seriously. “Thought you might like to practice ballroom dancing with me.”
He must be joking. And I want to laugh, I really do. But then, I think about having those strong arms around me again and the laugh catches in my throat. I let out a bizarre “urrrckle” sound that has Liam looking genuinely concerned for my health.
I clear my throat. Banish all thoughts of dancing with him.
“I guess so,” I say, sounding more confident than I feel.
I follow him out of the car, more perplexed than ever. Legs must be a dance teacher or something. She probably does yoga. I bet she’s insanely flexible and can do that move where you put your legs behind your head.
The last time I did that was when I was in diapers, probably.
Liam buttons up the top of his dirty shirt and I try not to watch, try not to wonder about the colorful, intricate drawings beneath that single layer of fabric. When we walk into the studio, the place is full of little girls and boys in dance gear, running around, shrieking and having fun. Gaggles of those yummy-mummy types in designer yoga gear are scattered through the room.
Is Legs one of them?
At that moment, a blond lady—who’s dressed just like Cassandra was last night—breaks away from her group and walks towards us. She’s very pretty, with, uh,ampleassets. She seems like she’d be Liam’s type… Maybe.
I don’t actually know what Liam’s type might be given our “I don’t date” conversation. But this must be her.
I smile, ready for introductions, but Liam nods. Stands a tiny bit in front of me, almost like he’s hiding me or something.
No, not hiding, but… shielding?
“Debs,” he says curtly. Then, to my surprise, he sidesteps her, grabs my sleeve, and tugs me along behind him.
He lets go so he can crouch just in time for a little pigtailed ball of glitter to launch herself into his arms.
I watch the scene in total, abject confusion.
The girl breaks away from Liam and they have a sweet little exchange where Liam’s face looks softer than I’ve ever seen it. I watch with my mouth wide open, bringing back my world-renowned big-mouth Billy Bass impression.
But seriously… what is happening?!
It isn’t long before the girl clues into my cluelessness. She looks up at me curiously with huge, familiar coal dark eyes.
“Hi?” she says it like a question, puckering her lips.
Liam ruffles her hair and stands straight. Faces me. “Annie, I’d like to you meet my niece, Allegra.”
She gives me a gap-toothed smile. “Uncle Liam calls me ‘Legs’ for short. You can too, if you like.”
For the third time in my life—and the second time in the past twenty minutes—I’m stunned into speechlessness. The English language evades me as I gaze down at the freckled, dirty-blond pigtailed ballerina with Liam’s eyes.
I then realize that both Allegra—Legs—and her Uncle Liam are waiting for me to speak.
“Hi!” I choke out. “I’m, um, Annie.”
Legs tilts her head, assesses me for a moment. “Are you Uncle Liam’s girlfriend?”
“What?!” I splutter. “No, I—”