Page 122 of A London Villain
“NO!”he roars, throwing the useless weapon at me, but it doesn’t even come close.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bambi rise to her feet and push her matted pink hair out of her eyes. With a shaking hand, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a handful of bullets, letting each one fall to the ground in turn. Never taking her eyes off him until the last one isclinkingoff the concrete and rolling under his car.
She stole his bullets.
My girl stole his bullets.
There’s a reason why I’ve always admired a thief.
A beat later, Viper is firing one round into his right shoulder, and I’m firing one round into his left.
“Finish it, Lastra,” O’Sullivan howls, writhing around in agony on the floor, turning the grey concrete crimson. “Fucking finish it!”
Next to me, I can sense the waves of hate coming off Viper. You can’t measure your own pain against someone else’s, the same way you can’t measure darkness and light. But I’m thinking he might have the advantage over me these days.
So, I drop my gun.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he hisses. “You said we’d finish him together.”
“Nah, this one’s on you, snake eyes.” I glance at Bambi who’s now safely wrapped in Ada’s arms.
You might not be able to measure all that other stuff, but you can feel the weight of your heart. You can tell when all the empty spaces have been filled.
“Are you sure about this?”
I flash him a wicked smirk. “Just make sure he dies screaming.”
I pass Grayson on the way to my family, and we shake hands briefly.
“These men are yours, Lastra, as soon as we empty the trucks and get the girls to safety. Lebedev is removing the last traces of Semenov’s cell. Santiago and I will be back next week to negotiate trade deals.”
“One day you’ll have to tell me what that favour was you owed Aiden.”
“One day,” he says, giving me a rare laugh.
Bambi springs apart from Ada when she sees me approaching. “Are you mad at me again, Frankie?”
“Yes, I’m fucking furious.” And then I’m sweeping her up into my embrace and kissing Ada at the same time, fighting the urge to make it more but restrained by two green eyes that are avidly watching us. “Are you okay?”
Bambi nods, and I’m relieved to see her bruises are more dirt this close up.
“I thought you said you didn’t steal from people you didn’t like?”
“I also told you I stole as a form of protection.” She glances between me and Ada, a sly smile creeping across her face. “So, this is what the bearpit looks like, huh?”
“Thewhat?” Ada glances at me in confusion, but there’s a new peace in her eyes. It’s one I’ve never seen before, and something I know I’ll die to protect.
“I’ll tell you later,” I mouth.Along with how much I fucking love you, while my cock is buried so deep inside your pussy it’s impossible for you to focus on anything else.
“I know Ada’s my mum, but is it true you’re my dad?” Bambi screws up her face as if it’s the worst news imaginable. On a level with Taylor Swift deleting her entire back catalogue.
“Don’t sound so thrilled about it,” I say irritably.
“Yes, but you’re going to make me go to school.”
“If you go to school, I’ll take you to Africa. Here, I need to give you something for safe-keeping.” Reaching into my back pocket, I press a single matchstick into her outstretched palm. “I don’t need to burn down London anymore. If the situation changes, I’ll let you know.”
She stares at it for a long moment. “You know, my real name’s not Bambi, right?”