Page 25 of A London Villain
“You’re mafia,” she answers quietly. “O’Sullivan betrayed your father and destroyed hisCosa NostraLondoncosca, with the help of Kirill Semenov’s Bratva chapter and the British.”
“So, O’Sullivan’s a chronic overshareras wellas a murdering psychopath?”
“I wasn’t allowed to speak at the dinner table, so I listened instead.”
Just then, a couple exit the shop next to the garage. They’re laughing like they don’t have a care in the world. Because they don’t. Only the people in this car have that monopoly.
“I know Charlie Razor played his part in what happened to them, Frankie, but I think he regretted it. Soon after, he flipped on O’Sullivan.”
Should have flipped sooner.I suck in another lungful of nicotine, holding on to it for as long as I can because things seem to ache less when I do.
I can’t hate her, though. Even if sheisa Razor. The same way I couldn’t hate her when I thought she was O’Sullivan’s daughter. There’s only one emotion I feel around Ada, and it’s not that. I want to protect her. Make it better. Give her a future that doesn’t hurt so much.
“I thought Razor was the reason O’Sullivan took me, but it’s something else…someoneelse.”
“Who?” I demand, exhaling another silver cloud, welcoming the head rush.
“Kirill Semenov.” She draws her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them, as if she’s protecting herself from his name. “I think he was stalking me as a child. I think my mother knew it as well. We moved arounda lot. She pulled me out of school when I was eight. She never let me go to dance classes, even when I begged her to… O’Sullivan needed leverage over Kirill, more so than anyone else in the Red Compass. He didn’t have a majority control without him.”
I pause. “Did O’Sullivan let him touch you?”
It’s not my right to ask it, in the same way it’s her choice not to answer, but it’s written all over her face anyway.
Moments later, I’m chucking my cigarette out of the window and punching the steering wheel as hard as I can.“Those motherfucking bastards!”I punch it again and again, until the ache becomes a grim kind of pleasure. My violence is the equivalent of her tears, of seven years of holding it all inside me.
“Frankie, stop! Please stop. Please…” There’s a hesitant touch on my shoulder, and then my arms are full of her as she forces her way onto my lap. “It’s okay, Frankie. It’s okay. I’m okay.” She’s crying again as sheshrugs off her coat, and then she’s wrapping her arms around my neck, my forehead slotting between her breasts as if we were made for each other.
I need her like air.
I need her to stop this pain.
Sliding my hand behind her head, I smash our lips together, and she moans into my mouth. I drive my tongue between her teeth and swallow down her surprise. After a beat, she kisses me back just as hard, tasting like the sweetest sin, as the soft mound of her pussy slides up and down my erection, begging to be touched.
I could take her.Fuck, I want to take her and make her mine.I could unzip my jeans right now, free my cock, and let her ride me until our stolen car gets reported and located.
Sorry, Officer, we’re just a couple of screwed up kids who are so far gone there’s nothing left but this.
As if reading my mind, she grabs my hand and thrusts it between us, my fingers encountering her slick warmth. “Don’t let them steal it, Frankie,” she moans into my mouth again. “Don’t let them steal it when they’ve taken so much from me already. It’s mine to give. Mine to lose.”
“Not here—”
“Yes, here. We’re living in the moment now. So, live in the moment with me.”
With a strangled groan, I circle her pussy entrance with my forefinger, spreading her wetness around her lips, dipping my middle finger inside her to test how tight she is and feeling resistance right away.
“Ada, at this angle… I’m big. It’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
“Good, that means I’ll feel it. I’ve been numb for so long, I’ll welcome it.”
My self-control shatters. When she rises onto her knees, I’m already ripping at the buttons on my jeans.
She curls her small fist around my cock, brushing her thumb over the tip, smearing me with my own pre-cum, and I can’t resist thrusting into her hand. No other girl compares to this. Just having her holding me,feeling her soft skin wrapped around mine, makes me want to come already.
“Use me, Ada,” I gasp out. “Fucking use me.”
It takes her a second to understand, and then I feel her guiding me towards her tiny clit, circling her hips as she holds me steady, bracing her other hand against my chest as we hold each other’s gazes.
Her movements turn jerky. Her breathing, erratic. When I feel her quivering against the head of my cock, I drive my middle finger deep inside her again, this time burying myself up to the knuckle as she lets out a whimper of pain.