Page 14 of Fireball
She yelps and grabs her shoulder when I scoop her up. Her small body trembles in my arms. The sick pleasure from tormenting Brody evaporates, replaced with rage from her being injured by my own men.
As gentle as I can be, I carry her into the house to her room. Pete dutifully stays in step with us, his nails clicking on the hardwood without delay to keep up. When I set her on the bed, he instantly jumps up on the mattress next to her and plops down with his head on her leg.
I yank out my phone and text an order for the doctor to be sent. The instant affirmative response confirms at least one person today knows what the hell they’re doing, enough that they won’t die.
I slide the cell back into my jacket pocket and drop to my haunches in front of her. Her skin is warm when I cup her cheek. “Who hurt you?”
Her gaze moves to my chest, and she frowns. “I…I don’t know.”
My tough girl. “You do know. Don’t lie to me.”
Her body shakes and her teeth clack together. “You killed a man out there and you’re worried about my shoulder?”
She’s in shock. Mentally and physically. I slide my palms around her face and grasp her tight, forcing her to look at me. “He might have shot you. I’d rather lose him than you.”
My head bobs easily from her stunned whisper. The thick walls she’s built around herself sway but don’t crumble. I still have a lot of work to do. “He means nothing to me.”
The insinuation she means something to me floats between us as my phone pings. I check the screen and tap the link in the text from Ramos. An expert, he starts the video exactly where I need to see. Brody grabs her against orders. Stupid bastard. Drew copies him. Both manhandle her, but it’s Drew who Pete attacks.
I was right. Pete confirmed he couldn’t be trusted not to hurt Addie. Good thing he’s dead. Fury seethes inside me when Brody makes Addie yelp and then drops her. Totally unnecessary. I’ll kill him later. Right now, I need to focus on her.
I stroke Pete’s head. “Good boy. You get steak tonight.”
Addie laughs, more hysterical than happy.
“You’re crazy. This is crazy. I—”
“A bodyguard deserves a reward when he sacrifices himself to protect his owner.”
With the realization of what her dog did to save her, her focus jerks to him. I don’t mind losing her attention for a moment since he’s earned her affection. Plus, it gets my ass out of the hot seat.
She embraces him again and rests her head on his back, shutting her eyes and breathing deep. Glad he can calm her too.
“I expected a massacre when I came in here.” A huge shudder ripples through her. “Did you kill Miquel?”
“No. I just tell Chelsea that to get her in line.”
Ninety-nine percent of the time my threats aren’t idle. With my sister, I sometimes have to exaggerate. If I wasted everyone she claims to love, my entire staff would be decimated. “I only kill those who deserve to die.”
A knock sounds on the door and she jumps up. Frightened from the unexpected noise, she clings to me, seeking my protection just like she should. I wrap my arms around her taut body and kiss the top of her head, hoping to shove my assertion into her stubborn brain. “I will never let anything happen to you. Know that.”
Well aware she doesn’t know.
But she will.
When she rubs her forehead against my chest, my dick comes to life in my pants. He’s always been on the alert of course, in her proximity. But the sensation of her pressed against me and fighting my dominance, gets me rock hard. I coil her long hair in my fist and yank down, lifting her face up without restraint. “I’m going to step out while the doctor examines you. Otherwise, I’d toss you on the bed and fuck you until dawn.”
She jolts, and I grin, allowing her to wiggle out of my embrace. Redness creeps from her cheeks to her throat. I’d love to follow her blush under her shirt and to her lush tits, but I want her checked first. “Enter.”
The door slams open accompanied by a ridiculous shriek. Obviously, Chelsea’s first. She races in straight to Addie, squeezing between us since she’s not strong enough to push me out of the way.
“Oh my god! Are you all right? Titan said theyhurtyou.”
My anger flashes again from her horror. She’s a pain in the ass, but if anyone fucks with her or Addie, it will be the last action of their life.
Dr. Crawford stays stoic as always. He waits for Chelsea to fuss over Addie and Pete. Feeling generous, I give her ten seconds and then motion for the physician. “Back up Chels, so he can examine her.”