Page 44 of Fireball
Titan Gallo does.
Who’s stupid enough not to fight him to the death?
Guilty, dumb me.
“Yeah, I guess so. But Maximisa good guy who treats me well but my stupid asshat—that’s British and I love it. I think I’m from England in a past life. Do you think I should start talking with an accent? I feel like it’s inside me because I have these urges to call people “love” and swear “bloody hell” when I talk to my brother.”
I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to the one-eighty turns in our conversations.
“You know they have those online programs where you learn a new language. I’m going to get one of those and learn to speak British.” Her face lights up from the idea, and she leans toward me. “Do you want to do it with me? It will be so fun. Please?”
I swear I hear Mrs. Zirkelbach chuckle, but when I glance over at her she’s expressionless as she wipes down the countertop. This poor woman lives in a house of insanity.
I laugh too and nod to Chelsea. “Sure. It sounds great.”
She starts to clap but her eyes widen from the realization of brownie residue smeared on two of her fingertips. She grins and licks them off, innocent in her enthusiasm. Also, in her lack of awareness when she holds her hand down to Pete for him to taste the icing too.
“No, Chelsea. Dogs can’t have chocolate.”
Her arm jerks up so quick and hard she hits herself in the shoulder. Tears well in her eyes, and she collapses to the tile, burrowing her face into Pete’s neck.
“I’m so, so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to kill you. Please don’t die.”
Now the housekeeper snorts. You’d think by now she would be used to Chelsea’s dramatics.
I climb off my seat and pat her back. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. Besides I don’t think he even got any.”
Nodding into his fur, she sniffs. “I would never, ever hurt him. I love him.”
Despite how theatrical her behavior seems, she is sincere and heartfelt in her proclamation. “I know it. And he loves you too.”
With my affirmation, she cups his head and smooshes her nose to his muzzle. “Do you? Do you really love me?”
Of course, he does. And he proves his affection by licking everywhere his tongue can reach. Her lips. Her chin. Her palms. He’s gloriously happy lapping at her skin until she falls backward, narrowly missing slamming her head into the leg of her chair and giving me a heart attack.
Pete refuses to squander the opportunity and climbs on top of her, slurping her face and throat while she shrieks with joy.
Emotions I don’t expect hit me hard from their display. This is the life I want. The two of them together—silly and contented and safe. They both deserve to always feel this way. Even if I can’t trust Titan, I can make sure their relationship doesn’t get ruined.
I will stay, without a battle, for Chelsea and Pete. That’s enough for me to be happy too.
Chelsea’s squeals reverberate through the thick door to my office. As annoying as she is, I’m glad she’s happy.
Because of Pete.
Because of Addie.
Because of Maxim.
God damn it.
Jace sits across from me expressionless. Despite my expert tech guy’s search, nothing could be found on Maxim I didn’t already know.
He hasn’t interfered in any way with my business. He hasn’t made any threats. He hasn’t damaged my reputation.