Page 64 of Fireball
From anyone else, that would sound unbelievably lame. With her, I know she means the sentiment more than most people can understand. “What happened to the woman who gave him to you? Aren’t you friends anymore?”
A deep frown lines her face. I didn’t expect that.
“No. One time when I was watching the kids, her husband came home first. He hit on me, and when I told Fiona what happened, she blamed me. Accused me of trying to steal her children’s father. It really hurt but I guess she was hurting too.”
Dumb. “He’s an asshole, and she’s an idiot for putting up with him.”
Addie shrugs. “I don’t know why women blame each other when it’s the man who messed up. But I kind of get why she was in denial. I don’t know if she could make it on her own with the boys without him.”
“I’m sorry you lost a friend.”
“Me too. But at least I haveonewith Chelsea now so I’m good.”
She smirks before taking a huge bite of her vegetables. I love when she teases me.
I hate when my phone interrupts us. I swipe the screen and skim the message from Ronnie.
Kirill never showed up. But Jace has been eliminated.
My heart must not be completely dead because a twinge aches in my chest from my former confidant’s death. Never really a friend per se, but the closest thing to one I ever had. No wonder I’m fucked up.
A soft hand wraps around my forearm. “Hey. Are you okay? You look upset.”
I shake my head and lay the cell face down to give her all my attention. “No, I’m fine.”
Despite my assurances, she remains concerned and keeps ahold of me. I’m fine with that too and curl my fingers over hers. “I just have one less thing to worry about.”
Her genuine smile lights up the entire room, and I open my mouth to ask her if she wants to get out of here, only to be shut down by Patty wheeling in the dessert cart.
“I recommend the Bananas Foster but brought out other selections in case that isn’t your favorite.”
Addie glances from the server to me. “I’ve never had that before.”
“It’s a dessert and a show.”
I nod to the waitress. “Let’s do it.”
Patty seems thrilled too. It’s always fun to impress someone so enthusiastic.
My girl’s mesmerized by Patty prepping the concoction and beams when the flames shoot into the air. I’d pay the thirty grand to buy this place out every night to see that look on her face again.
Once the waitress fills our bowls, we’re on our own again and for the last time. I take another long sip of my wine, watching Addie scrape every last morsel out of her dish.
When she looks up from demolishing the flambé, I meet her huge grin.
She’s gorgeous.
And satisfied, dropping her spoon into the empty container.
She tilts her head, studying me. “Do you know how sexy you are sitting there so casual yet somehow, it’s still totally obvious you control the world? I don’t know how you do it.”
The shine in her eyes is the only clue she’s tipsy. “I’m just me.”
Slender fingers slide across the white tablecloth and tug my sleeve. “See? You pull off dominant and powerful more than any man I’ve ever seen.”
We’re definitely fucking tonight.
I lift her slight hand to my mouth and kiss her silky palm. “And you pull off captivating and exquisite more than any woman I’ve ever seen.”