Page 7 of Fireball
I’ve made it this far by relying on no one but myself. I can’t let my pitiful situation make me put my guard down. Just because he’s rich and sexy and powerful doesn’t mean he can be trusted. “I’m not staying here. I don’t even know your name. You don’t even know mine.”
He smiles a sinister, sensual smile that heats me despite the air conditioning. “Addison Scott. Twenty years old. Blonde hair. Green eyes. Five three. Hundred twenty pounds…”
He scans my body with a frown, and I cross my arms to cover my small breasts and wounded heart. Yeah, going days without food makes you scrawny. Deal with it.
“Your birthday’s on Friday, and you’re an organ donor.”
Asshole stole my ID. I hold out my hand, pissed that I’m shaking. He’ll think I’m scared, which I most definitely am not.
Well, not very much.
He slides the plastic card from his suit pocket and lays my driver’s license in my palm, curling his fingers around mine. The squeeze feels possessive, especially when he runs his thumb across my pulsing wrist.
A buzz throbbing almost as fast as my heart rattles his phone on the counter. This handsome man—I don’t even know his name—curses and grabs his vibrating cell. Almost as if he’s aggravated we’ve been interrupted.
“I’ve got to take care of something.” He points down a hallway opposite of the front door as he stands up. “Bedrooms are that way. Pick any one of them you want. I’ll be back later.”
When the heck is later? Who the heck has multiple guest rooms? Why the heck am I still standing here as if I’m agreeing to his offer? “Wait. I’m leaving too.”
I trail behind him, unable to catch up with his long strides. Like the asshole he is, he doesn’t slow to let me either. “I’m talking to you.”
The huge goon I argued with earlier opens the front door for him, slamming it shut before I can slip through. I turn my anger on him since his boss isn’t here to fight with. “Open the door! I wasn’t finished with him.”
He shrugs. Actually shrugs as if he doesn’t care. Which I guess he doesn’t. I’m so frustrated I don’t even know what to say or do, except sigh, and Pete as always snuggles close to soothe me. Which as always, works. Some of the tension squeezing my muscles loosens as I caress over his ears and down his neck.
I’m exhausted. I guess being unconscious isn’t the same as being asleep. Pete keeps yawning too. I don’t know what he went through while I was in the dungeon, but he looks fine except tired.
Before I check out the bedroom options, I rise from squatting next to him and force eye contact with the guard. Not worth the effort to try and escape again, but he doesn’t know that and his gaze bores into me this time, expecting another attack. “My dog needs to go out. Where should I take him?”
The only answer I receive is him sliding out his phone and pounding out a quick text. Ridiculous he can’t answer a simple question on his own. I guess that’s how things work around here. Everyone is obedient to the boss. Except for me.
I’llneversubmit to him.
We wait in silence. I’m too sleepy to battle any more.
Finally, his cell pings, and after scanning the message, he motions to the dining room. “Mr. Gallo says you can take him in the back. It’s fenced in with guards around the perimeter so don’t get any ideas.”
His tone is neutral despite the implied threat. I guess we’re calling a truce from our previous skirmish. Grateful there’s a fence since I don’t have Pete’s harness and leash, I head in the direction the big guy points and find French doors in the dining room. Impatient to go, Pete paws at the dark walnut wood before I can twist the handle.
Shit. If he leaves scratches, Gallo is going to kill me. Literally for that mistake too. I corral my hair so I can bend over and inspect the smooth surface. I don’t see any marks, but the lights are dim in here. I make a mental note to check later in the sunshine.
My heart tumbles in my chest again. How long am I going to be stuck here?
No time to ponder with Pete jetting out in the yard. I really have stepped into another universe. Beyond a grassy area about half the size of a football field is an even bigger patio and bright blue water sparkles in a pool from the lights embedded in the walls. He has an outdoor kitchen with three silver grills and a table that seats twelve people plus more furniture surrounding a fire pit.
All of the backyard is surrounded by a massive stone wall. Not just decorative rocks along the ground or on the posts but the entire thing. Beyond that is darkness as far as I can see to the left and right with the entire city blazing on the horizon in front of me. He must be some kind of king—real or underworld with his money. I shake my head. I don’t belong here at all, and I have no idea why he wants to keep me.
My sneakers are soundless against the concrete as I wander toward where Pete is sniffing. With so many new smells he’s enjoying his adventure. That makes me happy. After all he’s been through, I love seeing him feel so free and ecstatic.
I’m also relieved he doesn’t poop since I don’t have a bag to clean up after him. Tomorrow I won’t be so lucky. Or maybe Gallo will decide keeping us isn’t as great as he thinks. I start to giggle from the image of him in his expensive shoes stepping in Pete’s droppings until I realize he could try to get rid of Pete and keep me. My chest tightens. I will pick up his shit with my bare hands if I have to.
After exploring and peeing in five spots until nothing else comes out when he lifts his leg a sixth time, I call to him to come inside. He bounds to me, delirious with his tummy full, his bladder empty, and his momma calm. I bend down and hug him again. Guess it’s time to find where we’re going to sleep.