Page 9 of Fireball
She’s right. What comes out of my mouth is going to be shocking for both of us since I’ve never felt the emotion before until her. “I was worried. You didn’t answer the door.”
Her eyebrows disappear under her bangs as she stiffens from slouching into Pete. “You didn’t give me a chance!”
“True, but after you wailed on my living room windows and hurt your hands, I didn’t want you melting down again.”
Trying to earn her trust, I refuse to admit I was watching her. She doesn’t need to know I have cameras everywhere. Or how much I enjoy seeing her relax when I’m not freaking her out. I motion toward her hastily packed bags, one of which has toppled over from her rush. “Those are yours. No strings attached.”
Longing fills her eyes as she glances at the pink skirt peeking out. The whole lot probably costs less than one of my suits, but she seems enthralled with them. “I know they aren’t designer or anything but—”
“They’re perfect.”
I don’t know about that. But I’m not going to argue since she’s not. They wouldn’t be good enough for most of the women I know. She’s definitely not most women, and that’s why I’m drawn to her. “I’m glad you like them. If there’s anything else you need, let me know. I’ll get it for you.”
“I’m tired. I just want to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, I’m done too.” I give Pete a few more strokes before I rise. “If I’m gone when you get up, just have Mrs. Zirkelbach make you food. She’ll cook whatever you want.”
“Why are you being so nice to me? This isn’t how most prisoners are treated.”
I grin from her ballsy question. You’d think she wouldn’t want to risk my anger. She’s just too tough for her own good. “You’re right, but you aren’t most prisoners. I allow you to speak freely when we’re alone but if you disrespect me in front of others, I’ll dole out a punishment you won’t forget.”
Angry with me once again, she jumps to her feet. One hand curls into a fist while the other wraps around Pete’s collar. Ready to fight or haul ass. Maybe both. Fuck, her defiance is sexy. “Don’t worry. I didn’t say you wouldn’t like it.”
The deep breath she sucks in isn’t annoyance or fear but interest. Confirming she’s attracted to me too. I’m just the only one of us being honest with myself and with her. While she stews in her denial, I shove my hand in the toppled sacks and yank out two shirts and a thong. Jesus. The thought of her in only panties makes my cock harden.
With her jade eyes blowing impossibly wide, I snap the tags from the fabric, tossing the clothes on the bed and the plastic tabs on the floor.
“What are you doing?”
Instead of the shriek I anticipate, she whispers and curls her free arm around her torso as if my gift hurts her. “No tags, no return. They’re yours now, Addie. Don’t bust my balls over it. Just wear the damn clothes.”
Not one to give up once I set my mind to something, I haul out each piece one by one and keep my eyes laser locked with hers. Pants, bras, dresses, pajamas, shorts, and socks until trash litters the carpet and only a few inches of the comforter peek through from the piles.
Normally impatient, I would stride off to my next meeting or call or spreadsheet. This is different. She’s worth waiting out.
“What’s your first name?”
Fair enough for her to ask. Though the question still surprises me during our stand-off. “Titan.”
She frowns and her eyes squint, assuming I’m deceiving her. “Nickname or real?”
“That’s quite a lot to aspire to.”
She has no fucking idea. “My father had very high expectations of me.”
Her shoulders droop although she smiles and shakes her head. “See that’s where you and I differ. My mother never had any expectations of me except for being worthless and fucking things up for her.”
Heartbreak hides behind her harsh exterior. She got fucked over, and she won’t let anyone hurt her again. Now that I know the truth, I like her even more. “Your mom sounds like a bitch. My dad was an asshole. We’re more alike than you think.”
As expected, she stays mute, unwilling to agree. At least she doesn’t argue. I let her off the hook for now. “Get some sleep. I’ll lock the door behind me.”
I give her a wink before I turn and stride away. If I didn’t tease her, she’d start to think I’m a nice guy.
Now what? This girl is obstinate as fuck. I spin back toward her and get rewarded with a gorgeous blush across her exquisite face. “Yeah?”