Page 18 of Fire And Ice
Scout came in from the hallway and halted as he too, stared at something behind them. “No fucking way!”
“What is it, Scout?” Diesel asked him. “Is someone on the property?”
Scout’s mouth had dropped open as shook his head rapidly.
Swag looked over at Luther and pointed behind him at the men. “Boss...T-they’re—”
Luther and his men all turned back around. With deep breaths, they slowly backed away from them with wide eyes and horrified expressions.
Chapter Nine
Three of the biggest wolves they had ever seen stared back at them but otherwise, they didn’t move.
Steel drew his weapon as did Diesel and Scout.
Amira looked up at Luther and whispered, “They are showing you what they are, who they are. But please no one needs to get hurt here. They won’t attack you.”
Luther bit the inside of his mouth and nodded as he had his hand on his side arm. Looking up, he told his men, “No one gets trigger happy here. Let’s see where this is going first.”
“Going?” Steel asked incredulously. “That shit’s gone man. These are fucking wolves!”
“Yeah boss,” Diesel agreed. “I think we need to put ‘em down before they tear our throats out.”
Then as quickly as Trent, Kinsen, and Jacks changed into their beasts, they changed back into men. They quietly and quickly pulled their clothes back into place and sat down again.
For a long moment, nobody dared to move.
Luther and the others just stared at them. “Jesus H Christ,” he swore under his breath. “Are you for fuckin’ real?”
Kinsen nodded his head at the MC men. “We’re shifters. Griffen and Milo are too. That’s why Griffen has such a problem with Amira. As her father’s daughter, she’s half shifter but she can’t shift. She’s still part wolf but she’s never been able to transform into her beast.”
Luther snapped his head around to stare at her. “That’s why he called you a breed?”
She nodded. “I’m half wolf from my father and half shaman from my mom and my grandmother. Milo stole me from my mom right after I was born and my grandmother cursed him for it.”
“Ok, you said this before, but just how the hell did she curse him?” Diesel wanted to know. He was still a little freaked out about the men transforming into full grown wolves.
Amira looked up at him. “She told him he would never find their mountain again, that he would never find the secrets the mountain held. You see, he took me to trick my mom and grandmother into giving him the gold the mountain had. That mountain is supposed to have a really big vein of gold in it. But when he took me from my mom and left the mountain, my grandmother found him and told him he would never see the mountain or any of its gold again. She cursed him and his pack. She also told him that if any harm came to me he would feel the fires of hell. If anyone in his pack hurt me they would suffer the same fate.” She shrugged. “So a few days ago, Griffen told me to get out and stay away from the pack or he would risk the burn of her curse. He told me I had brought nothing but pain and misery to his family and the pack and that I had never been welcomed there. He told me his son had regretted it every day since.”
The whole room was silent as the men digested her information.
Finally, Viper cleared his throat and asked, “And you expect us to believe the wolves outside are Milo and Griffen’s pack?”
Amira shrugged. “You can believe what you want to believe. We can’t force you to do anything.”
Luther snapped his head around and stared at her. “You said you saw Milo this morning right? But you didn’t see him in man form, you saw him in wolf form, a huge white wolf. I saw him too, standing at the edge of the trees. That was your father?”
Amira nodded.
Kinsen growled and said, “Except her father is supposed to be dead. Less than a week ago, we were informed by Griffen that Milo was dead. He’d died in a car accident.”
“Yeah, we heard that he swerved as some vehicle tried to push him off the road and his car hit a tree,” Trent explained. “Griffen had a casket buried but no one ever saw the body inside. We just assumed it was Milo’s. Right after we buried the casket, we followed Griffen back to Milo’s and that’s when we found out about Amira. Milo never told anyone except for his dad that she was even there. Then he kicked her out. Told her in no uncertain terms to get the hell away from the pack and to never come back.”
“We told him we would go with her for protection as she couldn’t change,” Jacks added. “And here we are. Back where it all started. Sitting at the base of a mountain that we can’t see because of the curse her grandmother put on her dad. The curse somehow affected his whole pack because none of us can see the mountain. I’m pretty sure that’s what Griffen wanted to see her about earlier. He wanted her to show them where the mountain was.”
“Well, fuck me a river.” Diesel growled under his breath. “So, they want gold? Is that what you’re saying here?”
Kinsen, Trent, and Jacks all nodded.