Page 25 of Fire And Ice
Several people in the room gasped at this sight.
As the kiss dragged out, Diesel cleared his throat loudly.
Luther finally pulled himself back and nodded his head at her. It seemed like words passed between them that no one could hear.
Amira’s fingers touched her lips and she stared at him in wonder.
Luther stood and looked around the room. “Let’s get the broken window covered up. We’re gonna need people watching all night. I don’t trust those wolves one fucking inch.”
Chapter Thirteen
Amira looked up at her grandmother.
Rissa was sitting there with a smile on her face.
Amira flushed and lowered her head.
Rissa reached over and raised her chin. “Do not feel shame for this. It is fate and...when you two were together just now, I saw...” She shook her head.
Amira cocked her head at her. “What? What did you see?”
Rissa let out a long breath. “I really am unsure. Electricity? In colors of the light.”
Amira bit at her lip as she admitted, “I did feel like a jolt of electricity had zapped me, but not in a painful way. It was so strange. I felt a warm coursing energy all through my body.”
Rissa smiled. “Oh, my child, I had hoped you would feel that one day. I too, felt it when I found my man. It was a long time ago now, but I still remember it.” Shaking her head she admitted, “Your poor mother never felt it, not with Milo but if we can get her back, I pray one day she will find it.”
“But grandmother, what a can do about it...about how I feel?” Amira asked.
“If Luther is your man then you trust him to know what to do,” Rissa told her. “But first, we need to live through this and survive to protect the Maiden. That mountain needs to survive. If they take the gold, the mountain will begin to die, as our People believe it is the blood coursing through its center. If that happens, it could be a true disaster.”
Amira felt the energy of her grandmother’s statement. Then she heard the whisper she’d been hearing all her life inside her head, “Listen to her words my daughter. They are important.” Amira believed in what she said. She looked at Rissa. “We have to set my mother free soon. Before she’s gone forever...lost in the winds.”
Rissa nodded. “I agree. Once we pull her from the between, we can combine our forces and finally be true Guardians of the Mountain. With your loyal wolves and the MC, we can finally be free.”
As the shadows fell, they hadn’t seen or heard from the wolves since Luther wounded Milo. In this part of Arizona, near the city of Sierra Vista in Cochise County, it might be warm during the day but sometimes it got cold at night. Tonight was one of those nights.
Amira found an outside weather station and as the night time hours set in, she walked over to the temperature gauge. It read 40 degrees outside. She knew sleeping on the ground would be tough.
Kinsen walked over to her and shook his head as he too, read the temperature outside. "Damn, it’s gonna get cold out there tonight.” He gave her a grin.
“If they stay in their wolf form, they probably won't feel the cold.” Amira shrugged.
Kinsen snorted. “Even the wolf feels the cold, honey.” He shrugged. “With shifters, we’ve gotten soft and we don’t like to spend the night outside anymore. We got used to sleeping in a nice soft bed.”
“Mr. Fire,” Rissa suddenly called out.
Luther paused to stare at her as he muttered, “Fire...”
“Do you have any men on the roof?” Rissa stared at him.
“No, why?” Luther asked.
“It might be wise to get them there now. The wolves are coming back toward us.”
Luther growled and turned to point at his best snipers.
With rifles in hand, three of his men went up to the roof.