Page 12 of Madness & Mayhem
They both hurt yet walking away from him seems impossible.
He should rot in jail, yet I’d take his place if I had the chance.
I don’t understand his reasoning, and I deserve to understand. I want to know everything, yet as I stare into the woods, I wonder if my chance is gone, and all that’s left is a trail of blood and a broken heart.
With a sigh, I turn my car off, leaving my Halloween mask on the passenger seat as I hop out of the car.
After running from the party, I made it home, where I got my car and left right away. I couldn’t wait around for anyone or anything. I had to leave, the only thought in my mind finding the man who owns my heart. I’ve been hiding near the woods all night, hoping Reign found a place to hide out for the night, and he’d come stumbling out this morning, but no such luck. I haven’t seen him anywhere, and panic is beginning to set in.
I’m cold, still bloody, and a part of me is waiting for the police to get here, to haul me in for murder.
I have no clue if that girl died, or if she’s alive. I don’t regret my actions. Not even a little bit. The only thing I wish I would’ve changed is me not having done it around a group of people.
Because now the finger is pointed at me, and I already had the red flag painted on my back.
Now the flag is black, and I’m essentially fucked.
I’ll have to deal with this eventually, but my first course of action is to find Reign.
I step up to the woods, the air cold, my body shivering as I walk through the crisp, dry air. The trees have a glaze of dew on the tips of the green, and every so often, I listen as the squirrels and small critters race through the forest.
The beginnings of sunlight shine through the trees, bringing with it a shimmer through the forest. I glance around, hoping to see a dark body hiding in the shadows, though all I can see is dark green, orange, and red trees. The ground is littered with dried leaves, every step creating a crunch that fills the air.
If anyone were here, I’d be able to hear them.
My eyes follow the pathway of leaves, hoping to see a stirring, boot crunched leaves, or a trail of breadcrumbs for me to follow—anything, honestly.
Though, there is nothing.
Until there is.
I pause, the toe of my boot hitting a larger rock that knocks against my foot.
I hiss through my teeth, letting out a curse under my breath as I stare at the ground.
“Shit,” I whisper, crouching down.
Reaching forward, I pick up a bright yellow leaf. Stained with a drop of blood right in the center, I bring it toward my face, my finger dropping right in the center.
It smears, turning a lighter pink as it spreads to the edges. I rub it between my fingers, and I can tell instantly.
I don’t need to taste or smell it. It’s Reign.
He was here.
I keep the leaf in my grip as I step forward, my eyes locked to the ground.
I bend down, grabbing another leaf, this one a dark orange. Though there is no mistaking the crimson blood painted on the tips of the leaf.
I keep going, picking up leaves along the way, until I’m at the other edge of the forest, my hands filled with a collection enough to build my own tree. Enough blood that it’s concerning, and I know this isn’t even all the blood he’s lost.
He’s lost a lot more than this.
I step out of the woods, glancing around at the busy end of town. In front of me is a small strip mall, filled with a Wendy’s, a few stores, a Walgreens, and across the lot is a Motel 6. I head toward the back, wondering how many people are looking for me.
I wonder if my face is painted across the media just as the slasher’s was.