Page 32 of Madness & Mayhem
“Why did you keep going with it?”
He moves his hands from his chest, leaning forward, curling his fingers around the back of my head. His fingers burrow into my hair, and he yanks me forward. His breath is warm against my lips, and he grips me tightly. All I’m able to focus on is him. He is my life. He is my world. No one else exists when it is the two of us together.
“Because you deserved to serve a little penance for letting someone else slide between your legs,” he growls, his eyes narrowing. “You know, Zane always fucking hated me and my father. You think he went after you because he liked you? No, he knew exactly what you were to me. He knew you were mine, and he tried using that against me. To get to me.” His fingers wrap around my throat, and he squeezes as his upper lip curls, baring his teeth at me. “But you should’ve known better. You never should’ve slept with him, Lakyn. You’re mine. You’vealwaysbeen mine.”
I narrow my eyes at him, wanting to dig my nails into his wound.
“You were gone, Reign. I’m not going to stay a fucking nun forever.You left me.”
He growls, squeezing me as he pulls me forward, until our foreheads knock together, our skin melding, heat against heat, crackling tension against sharp anger. We’re both on edge, both hurt, both of us vengeful.
“You’re alive for a reason, Lakyn. I could’ve killed you, that first night. As you jumped the fence, you wet body sliding against the rods as fear leaked from your pores. How easy it would’ve been grab you in my grip and plunge my knife into your stomach, watching you paint the cement patio with your delicious, bright red blood. I wanted you dead, Lakyn. At that moment, I wanted you dead.”
My breath shudders from my chest, and I realize the truth to his words. I didn’t feel a crackling heat between us. I never once felt a lust or connection in that moment. All I felt was hate, an absolute need to spill blood.
“Why am I alive then? Why am I standing here, if I was such an easy death to you?”
He tilts our heads slightly, until our lips are only a breath away from each other’s. I can taste the pain on his lips, can feel the way our connection is bone-deep, engrained into each vein and drop of blood in our souls. “Because like I told you the day I came home, baby Lake, you are the fucking diamond that shines brighter than all others. Your love hits a little stronger. Your touch bruises my skin with barely a touch. It’s easy to take a life, but it’s not easy to take that of the girl you’re madly in love with. I tried to take your life, Lakyn. Fate wouldn’t let me.”
Fate wouldn’t let me.
My eyes settle closed, and I lean forward, my lips barely brushing against his. I want to fall into him, into his madness, get lost and be wild with this man who has always held my heart in his clutches, yet I’m worried a step forward would break me completely.
More than I’m already broken.
A shiver works up my spine, and I lean back, my eyes fluttering open. I shake my head slightly, feeling like even as Reign works to repair my heart, you can’t repair when the pieces aren’t all present.
When he leans back, his body is tense, as if he remembers why he was so angry with me in the first place. “I’m going out to get some firewood. It’s only going to get colder, and until we have a plan, this is where we’re staying.”
He’s shut down on me. Completely.
Panic hits me at the thought of the police out there, waiting for him. “What happens if you get caught?”
He smirks, though there is no humor in his gaze, “Not going to happen, Lakyn.”
“Can I come with you?” Fear of being here by myself clutches me. I don’t know this place. The police could come here at any time and take me away and Reign wouldn’t ever know it.
He shakes his head. “No. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“But—” I groan.
He whips his head back and forth. “Stay here, Lakyn. I’m too injured to have to worry about you, too. Stay the fuck here where it’s safe, and stay out of trouble.”
I swallow down the fear as he walks out the front door. I sit on the floor, my palms against the cool wood, shivering when I realize how cold it is in here.
We do need wood, he’s right.
But the fear of being here by myself after he just dropped that bomb on me makes me feel more uneasy than I’ve ever felt in my entire life.
I shove off the ground, running to the front door and pulling it open with a quick jerk. A burst of cold air flies inside, and I can see a glimpse of Reign’s back as he walks into the thick woods.
“Reign!” I cry out, rushing barefoot into the yard. It’s so cold, the weather having quickly moved from fall to winter. I can see Reign’s back tense from across the yard, and his shoulders lift to his ears as he stops, turning around to face me. I’m sure I look like a crazy person, barefoot, eyes wild.
“Go inside, Lakyn!” he roars at me.
I shake my head, rushing up to him, feeling like my sanity is slipping from my grip. “I can’t. I don’t want to be alone in there. Please take me with you.”
He shakes his head, gripping onto my shoulders. He spins me around, pushing me back toward the house. “Go the fuck back inside, Lakyn.”