Page 38 of Madness & Mayhem
He lets out a chuckle, and my head tilts to the side. “I’m done having this conversation. I won’t be available for a while.”
“Going to prison? Won’t be able to protect your girl from there.” His tone is mocking, like he’s that much smarter than I am.
I know the possibility of going to prison, which is why I never intend to leave her. I’ll do whatever needs to be done. I’ll take down the entire fucking police force if I have to, to keep her safe. I’ll burn down the world.
“We won’t be going to prison.”
He lets out a laugh. “You want to run for your entire lives? They’ll find you eventually, you know.”
Here’s the thing about my father. He’s always been loyal to his own blood, but when he’s betrayed by one of his own, when he feels as if he’s been backstabbed in any way, he will sweep the rug out from beneath your feet. He’s been burnt by blood, by enemies, and by his closest allies. My father trusts no one. He’s bitter, jaded, and cold as ice. The permanent frown lines and crease between his brows shows his displeasure with the world. He’ll show it to you easily. He’ll laugh as you get buried.
That’s my father.
I won’t be there for him anymore, because he wants Lakyn dead for killing Zane. Part of his blood. But Lakyn means more to me than a half-brother who shares nothing with me but blood. I won’t defend him any longer, not now that I have Lakyn back.
This pisses him off, because I’m my father’s strongest weapon. He won’t have anyone to use as his assassin. He’ll no longer have the wall between him and the world. Who will protect him? It won’t be me.
It isn’t because I’m his son, it’s because I’m his shield. His gun.
“We won’t be on the run,” I say simply. Because I’m not worried. I have no qualms that it isn’t going to be a rough road, but we’ll get there, because I’ll protect her.
I’ll protect the girl who means the most to me.
He lets out a chuckle, and it’s bitter, angry. “And you’re okay sticking your dick in the girl who was railed by your own brother?”
He has to dig that comment in. More than once, apparently.
My teeth crack as I grind my jaw, and I reach forward, gripping a branch so tightly it begins crumbling in my grip. “Say another word and I’ll slice your neck like I did all the others.”
I can hear his chair creak again in the background, and I can picture him standing and walking over to the small shelf near the wall in his office. The rattling of glass sounds, and I know he’s pouring himself three fingers of his finest scotch. Can never drink too early in the day, I suppose.
“You going to threaten your own father, Reign?” he rumbles, his voice echoed as he tips his glass to his lips.
I let go of the broken branch, stepping farther into the woods. I can’t leave Lakyn for much longer. I know she’ll grow antsy, and even though I told her to stay inside, I can never trust Lakyn for too long. She’s a loose cannon, honestly. A wick sitting too close to the fire.
I loosen my grip on my phone, tilting my head to the side, and listen as it lets out a loud crack. “No, Father. I’m done with your bullshit. I only wanted to call and tell you that whatever death wish you have on Lakyn, let it go. It’s over. The feud is over. Unfortunately, Zane got twisted with her when he never should have in the first place.”
“And what happens when she turns her back on you, too? You ready to be buried in the ground by her filthy hands?”
If she gives me death, I’ll take it gladly, as long as it’s her hands which give it to me.
Death by her would be a pleasure I couldn’t resist.
“It’s not going to happen.”
He sighs, as if he thinks I’m foolish.
“I’ll be unavailable for the foreseeable future. Don’t make any wrong moves. I’ll always be one step ahead of you,” I clip.
I can hear him gearing up for a retort, but before he can say anything, I hang up the phone, tucking it back in my pocket.
Shaking my head clear, I head toward town, knowing I have to check out how deep law enforcement is.
But that’s not all I have to do. And this one will be a surprise.
Chapter SEVEN