Page 42 of Madness & Mayhem
I attempt to tear my arms from his grip. “I know it won’t be a slap in the face. I understand how horrible it will be.” I lift my head, staring him in the eyes. “And I don’t care. I want the messy, Reign. Give it to me.”
A smirk flutters against his lips briefly before they flatten. “This was a bad idea.”
I shake my head, sitting up. “It’s not! Just tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it.”
He shoves off the couch, pacing back and forth a minute. Then turning to the kitchen, he tears his mask from his head and sets it and the knife down. “Well, first off, you need to not be so fucking eager, because that’s going to come with mistakes.”
I shrug, “Or it’ll make me be more on my game.” He glares at me, and I lift my hands in the air. “Sorry, less fucking eager. Okay.”Damn.
“Two.” He slides his hand behind his back, pulling out a knife similar to the one he just set on the counter. “Learn how to use a weapon.”
I glance toward his stomach. “I do.”
He shakes his head. “If you knew how to use a weapon, I wouldn’t be here.”
Well, shit.
“Okay, so what do I need to learn?” I ask, so fucking eager, but not wanting to show him in fear he won’t let me do it. He’ll kill her himself, and he’ll do it without me knowing.
Fuck, I’d be so pissed.
“First off,” he starts, when his phone starts ringing inside of his pocket.
He narrows his eyes, letting out a sigh as he pulls it out. A line creases between his brows, and it puts me on edge.
“Who is it?” I ask him.
He lifts his eyes to mine. “Archer.”
My heart pounds in my chest, and I take a step toward him. “Are you going to answer it?”
He lifts it slightly when it stops ringing, only for it to start up again.
“Answer it,” I tell him.
He lets out a sigh as he connects the call, putting it on speaker phone and setting it on the counter.
“Reign,” Archer barks into the phone.
Reign says nothing.
“Where are you guys? We need to come talk to the both of you.”
My mouth opens when Reign cuts me off.
“It’s not happening,” he says simply.
Archer sighs into the phone, and I can imagine him running his fingers through his hair, exasperation in his tone. “If I wanted you guys to get fucked by the cops, I would’ve led them up to Lakyn’s bedroom.”
“They could follow you,” he says.
Kyler laughs in the background. “Who the fuck does he think we are? Being tailed by the police.”
“What do you need? Just say it over the phone,” Reign growls.
Archer and Kyler start mumbling through the phone, and I curl my toes against the floor, glancing down at my naked body. I’m suddenly unsure how I’ll even do this. Reign tore my clothes, and now I have nothing to wear.
I certainly can’t go out into the world without clothes, mostly when my face is posted literally everywhere.