Page 44 of Madness & Mayhem
Knock, knock, knock.
“Let us the fuck in,” Kyler groans. “It’s cold as tits out here.”
Reign’s hands move back to my waist, and he lifts me off his lap, depositing me down beside him. He moves off the couch, glancing at me at the last second. “Behave, Lakyn.”
My face pulls into a sneer, and I instantly want to backfire a retort, but decide to say nothing.
He adjusts the erection straining against the front of his pants as he walks to the front door. Flicking the lock, he swings it open, and my heart pounds in my chest when I see Archer, Kyler, and Posie all standing there. My eyes widen when I see a light snow falling around them.
Posie’s hair is speckled white with flakes. She stares at me blankly, and I instantly slide off the couch, walking toward Reign.
“Posie,” I whisper, wanting for my best friend to forgive me.
She steps around Archer and walks inside, glancing around at the small cabin which is no more than a small studio apartment.
“Where’d you find this place, Reign?” Kyler asks as he steps inside.
Reign’s eyes narrow slightly. “You get a few things up your sleeve when you’ve been to prison.”
Archer digs into his pocket, pulling out a packet of cigarettes he rarely smokes. He slips one between his lips, pulling out his lighter and sparking it up. “FBI showed up. There’s a manhunt going on. Locals are getting together tonight to scour the woods.”
I swallow.
“They won’t find us. We aren’t even technically in Hellcrest Heights,” Reign says. Uncaring, unafraid. He’s ballsy, and maybe being a little stupid.
“Reign,” I murmur. “Maybe we need to go. Run somewhere? Anywhere?”
His gaze slowly turns to mine, lazily, maybe a little bored. “Where the fuck do you feel like going, Lakyn?”
My hands fling up in the air. “I don’t care. Anywhere. Somewhere that isn’t here, where we’re bound to get caught.”
He shrugs. “We aren’t in Hellcrest Heights. The police don’t have jurisdiction here.”
“The FBI do,” I snap.
He rolls his shoulders back, standing a little straighter as he steps up to me. “We don’t have to worry about the FBI, Lakyn,” he growls under his breath.
“I really think you do, Reign. It isn’t just a few guys. You’ve got a whole department here ready to take you down,” Archer warns.
I let out a groan, rolling my head to the side and letting out a crack. “We’re so screwed.”
I watch as Reign steps up to Archer. “Is this why you came here? To make Lakyn fucking panic? I can assure you, it’s not needed, Archer.”
Archer’s hands go up to Reign’s chest, and he gives him a shove. They come toe to toe, and I’m worried they are about to tear each other to pieces when Kyler steps between them, his hand going to each of their chests and pushing them away from each other. “Stop. Both of you, fucking stop.”
“This isn’t why we came, Archer. Chill the hell out for a second,” Posie snaps before turning to me. “Are you doing okay?”
My heart gallops, and I can’t help the tears that spring to my eyes. “I don’t know,” I whisper. “Did I kill that girl?”
She winces, taking a step back toward the door. “Does it matter whether you did or didn’t? You fucked up, Lakyn.”
My eyes narrow. “It definitely matters whether I committed murder or not.”
“Did you see the video?” Reign cuts in, clearly not nearly as concerned about me murdering some girl in front of a ton of people.
Archer pauses a moment before he lets out a single nod. “That’s why we’re here.”
“Where is Eloise and V?” I cut in, curious where my best friends are.