Page 94 of Madness & Mayhem
“Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop,” I growl.
A gunshot rings out, and Eloise stops, her hands going above her head. Kyler reaches out, grabbing onto her and tearing her forward with him. “Not today, El,” he snaps.
We weave through the trees, leaping over fallen branches and making our way toward the bridge. The car is stalled between trees, needing to stop and find its way through the maze of the forest. We continue going through the narrow areas, doing our best to escape the vehicle.
It doesn’t go away, but we do make headway.
“Is that the bridge?” Eloise pants from in front of me.
I glance over her shoulder, seeing what looks like the bridge.
No, itisthe bridge.
“That’s it,” I grunt.
Another shot rings out, and we all duck, but keep running through the trees.
“You guys, there’s something I didn’t realize,” I pant as we pick up the pace.
“I’m not going to like this,” Archer snaps.
I shake my head, closing my eyes for a moment. “We won’t be able to cross the bridge. It’ll be blocked, I already know it will. We’re going to have to go under it.”
“Under it, as in through the water? It’ll be freezing!” Posie cries out.
“We have no choice.”
Bang. Bang, bang.
We all duck again, leaping over an oversized stump on the ground. We rush as fast as we can, and finally, the bridge comes into view.
Blocked off. There are police officers blocking it from the United States side. Barriers and tape, police vehicles line the entrance.
We’re screwed.
“Go this way,” Archer says, and I see the slope down to the water is less steep, more of a slide.
I nod, and that’s when I hear the shouting start up from the bridge.
We’ve been found.
“Run!” Archer shouts.
Lakyn lets out a cry beside me, clutching her arm as fear crosses her features.
This can’t be over. This is not the end of our story.
Bang, bang.
I glance over at Lakyn.