Page 27 of Punished
Again she was reminded of an expensive hotel back home. Whowouldn’twant to come stay in a Smart house like this with such lovely amenities? People on Earth would bedyingto get into this Dome. Which was another reason she had to prevent it—or one like it—from coming to Earth in the first place, she told herself firmly.
Sev got into bed beside her and immediately turned on his side. Mia turned on hers as well, but found there was a problem. With both of them on their sides and facing away from each other, the blanket and sheets weren’t quite wide enough to cover them. The front of her body was exposed and a shiver went through her as a chilly gust of wind found its way under the night shirt she was wearing.
“Ugh—this isn’t going to work,” she muttered.
Sev turned over.
“I was thinking the same thing. The blankets and sheets aren’t wide enough.”
“Maybe if we laid on the same side and uh, closer together?” Mia suggested. She didn’t know where the idea had come from—the words had come out of her mouth before she thought about them.
“What? Like what you humans call ‘spooning’?” Sev asked doubtfully.
“I guess so.” Mia bit her lip. “Uh, I guess you’d be the ‘big spoon’ since you’re so much bigger than me.”
“The ‘big spoon’?” Sev frowned.
“You know—the one in the back?” Mia made a motion with her hands, cupping one with the other, trying to illustrate.
“Well…we can try I guess,” Sev said. “I mean, if you want to.”
“I want to do anything that keeps me warm,” Mia told him. She lay back down again on her right side. “If you don’t mind?” she asked, turning her head to look at the big Kindred.
Sev shrugged.
“I’m afraidyou’rethe one who’s going to mind. But we can try it.”
He lay down behind her and scooted close, pulling the sheets and covers up over both of them.
At first it was pure heaven. Mia found she liked having his big body cupping her much smaller frame. He was so warm it stopped her shivering at once and the blankets fit much better when they were lying on the same side close together. Her partner’s warm, spicy scent surrounded her, making her want to get even closer to him. She scooted her hips back…and felt something hot and hard and enormous poking her in the ass.
“Oops—fucking sorry,” Sev muttered in her ear. “Can’t help it—you smell so damn good and you look fucking incredible in that nightshirt.”
“Oh, well…” Mia wasn’t sure what to say.She’dgiven Sev a hard-on? Maybe he liked big breasts, because she couldn’t imagine her too-large hips and ass turning anyone on.
“I’ll lay on my back—put some space between us,” Sev murmured. He started to turn but Mia put a hand out to stop him.
“No, don’t,” she blurted.
“Don’t? I’m poking you in the ass with my shaft, Mia and there’s no way it’s going down—not as long as I’m close to your luscious, curvy body,” he growled, his breath hot in her ear.
“Curvy? I…I’m too big,” Mia blurted. “Michael always said so.”
“Your ex-mate was a fool—we’ve already established that,” he told her impatiently. “You’re anElite, Mia—a female the Goddess had blessed with extra curves. Any male would be lucky to have you, just the way you are.”
“Sev…” She turned her head to see that he was looking at her with an intense look in his golden eyes.
“Sorry—just telling it like I see it,” he rumbled. “Hope I didn’t offend you, baby.”
“No. No…you didn’t.” Mia wished her voice wouldn’t come out so breathless. “Look, you don’t have to turn over on your back,” she said, going back to their earlier topic. “It…it doesn’t bother me if you, you know, poke me some. I mean, it’s a natural reaction, right? No big deal.”
Sev looked at her uncertainly.
“You’resureabout that?”
Mia shrugged and tried to look nonchalant, even though she could feel her cheeks heating with a blush.
“Sure, I’m sure. I just want to keep warm—it’s freaking cold in here!”