Page 58 of Punished
“Language please, Brother Severith!” the Elder cautioned him. “I’m simply checking in with you to let you know that I’m sending an Informational vid your way. It should appear on your screen in just a moment.”
“Informational vid? What are you talking about?” Sev demanded.
“The vid you missed because of our early termination of your Judgment Session today,” the Elder explained. “About how to apply your wife’s Chastity Devices—remember?”
“Oh, right,” Sev muttered. “Forgot about that.”
“Well we of the Council of Elders havenotforgotten,” the Elder with the deep voice said severely. “Remember please that we expect to see you applying these devices to your wife to help curb her defiance. And we also expect to see you practicing the commands you were taught during the other information vid you saw today during your session. Do you need me to send that one as well, so you can review it?”
“No.” Sev cleared his throat. “No, that’s not necessary.”
“All right. I’ll send the vid. The devices themselves should already be in your dresser, along with the night clothes you were promised.” The Elder leaned closer to the screen. “Remember—we’ll be watching you. The sooner we see complete compliance, the sooner you and your wife can be eternally bound together via a Binding Ceremony in the Inner Sanctum by the Prophet. You’ll havemuchmore freedom after your Binding Ceremony,” he added. “As well as the trust of the community and the Elders.”
Then the screen flickered and went blank white again, leaving the two of them just standing there.
“Well, shit,” Sev muttered, running a hand over his horns. “Now what the fuck are we going to do?”
“I guess we’re having a movie night,” Mia said blandly. “Though I have the feeling this is going to be different from the movies we usually watch together.”
Movie nights with his partner were one of the things Sev usually loved. They had been Mia’s suggestion at first—she had thought he would be better able to acclimate to Earth culture if he watched more Earth entertainment. Back when she’d been married, the two of them had gone out to movie theaters to see whatever was playing. But after she filed for divorce and moved away from her ex-mate, she had often invited Sev to her apartment.
He enjoyed these movie nights more because they were so much more intimate. He liked sitting on the couch beside Mia with a big bowl of buttered popcorn—a light, crunchy and surprisingly delicious Earth snack that seemed to be designated as the proper food to eat while watching movies. He liked asking her to pick whatever movie she most wanted to see—it allowed him to get to know her better when he saw what she enjoyed. But most of all he liked it when she fell asleep and rested her head on his shoulder. It proved to him that his partner trusted him and he liked the warmth of her small, curvy body nestled against his own much larger frame.
However, Sev had an idea that this particular movie night was going to be different from any they’d had together back on Earth.
“I guess we’d better go find the devices the Elder was talking about and maybe change into our night clothes,” Mia remarked with a sigh. She frowned. “Theypromisedthey would give me something that would keep me warm. They’d better not forget!”
“If they do, you can wear my top again,” Sev promised. Even though the Elders probably wouldn’t like that at all, when they reviewed the surveillance footage, he thought. But fuck them—Mia deserved to feel comfortable in their domicile and she shouldn’t be forced to run around naked.
But when they checked the “magic dresser” as Mia had started to call it, he found that he didn’t have a top to wear that night—just another pair of long white sleep trousers.
Mia, on the other hand, had something to wear and for once it was black instead of white.
“What is this?” she asked, turning it over in her hands. “Some kind of body stocking? And why are there so many holes in it?”
“Holes?” Sev frowned. “Let me see.”
“Look.” She held it up, the black fabric dangling limply from her hands. It was clearly meant to cover her arms and legs fully—for warmth, Sev supposed. But there were, indeed, large, round holes cut out—one in the top and one at the bottom, where the crotch of the garment should have been.
“Uh, I think I see what they’re doing here,” he said, frowning. “The Elders promised you something to keep you warm, but this is only going to keep your extremities warm. They still want your ‘husband’ to have access to your breasts and, uh, other assets.”
Mia flipped the garment around and glared at it.
“You’re right!” she exclaimed. “Well, I’m not wearing this!” She threw it on the bed in disgust. “Damn it, what the hell iswrongwith these people?”
“I don’t know, but I think the instructional vid is starting,” Sev told her. “Hear the music coming from the entertainment screen?”
“Damn!” Mia looked irritated, as well she should be, Sev thought sympathetically.
“I won’t change either,” he told her. “Come on—I’m pretty sure this is required viewing. We don’t want to have to go through another fucking ‘Judgment Review’ right?”
“I guess not.” Mia sighed and left the bedroom.
Sev followed her, grabbing the small black box containing the Chastity Devices which had appeared in the dresser along with their clothes. He had no intention of actually making Mia wear them, but he might as well take them to compare to the ones in the vid, he thought.