Page 60 of Punished
“The soft but firm shield walls will serve to hold your wife’s sex open so that you can have easy access to her for penetration at any time,” the narrator said, answering his question.
When Enoc drew back, Sev saw it was true. Lisha’s pussy was being held open by the clear plastic wings which never allowed her outer lips to close. And because the clit shield was clear, everything was still on display even though her most sensitive part was covered.
“The vibration control feature on both nipple and clitoris shields means you can stimulate your wife as much as you choose without ever allowing her to orgasm,” the narrator continued. “And of course, to remove any of the Chastity Devices for pleasure, milking, or punishment, simply apply more of your DNA to loosen the seal.”
Enoc started licking his wife’s pussy again and after a moment of tracing the edge of the shield with his tongue, it popped off, leaving her clit free. He bent to lap her some more and the film ended with him openly eating her pussy with her legs locked around his head as the narrator said,
“This concludes your instructional film on how to apply and remove your new Sparkling Clear Chastity Devices. Thank you for your attention and happy Chastity!”
The screen went dark and for a moment, Sev didn’t know what to say or do. The images on the screen had him in a conflicted knot. On one hand, there was literally nothing he wanted to do more that go down on Mia and lick her soft little pussy until she moaned for him and came all over his face. On the other hand, hedidn’twant to do anything against her will.
Beside him he could smell that Mia was having the same conflict. Her scent was confused—half hot and half embarrassed. The scent of her shame entwined with the smell of her feminine desire made for a very confusing mixture.
Suddenly the Elder in the hooded cloak appeared on the screen again.
“Well, now that you know how to apply them, you can use the Chastity Devices that appeared in your clothing dresser tonight along with your night clothes,” he told them. “Ah—I see you’ve got them there.” He nodded at the black box in Sev’s hand. “Good. And just so you know, Brother Severith, wedoexpect you to use them.”
Sev licked his lips, trying to think what to say—how to get out of this.
“You…you can’t be serious. Why is this necessary?” he demanded.
“Wives must be kept in Chastity to keep them from stealing orgasms or getting into other mischief,” the Elder lectured. Also, it helps a wife to understand that her body is not her own—it belongs to her husband. Her orgasms aren’t hers either—he owns every single one and she doesn’t get one unless her husband gives it to her.”
Sev could feel Mia stiffen beside him but thankfully, she held her tongue and didn’t say anything.
“I suppose we’re not allowed to put these on in the dark?” he asked, feeling fucking hopeless.
“Of course not—we’ll want confirmation that the devices are placed properly and carefully and that your wife is really wearing them,” the Elder with the deep voice said. “She shouldn’t leave your domicile without them. Good night.”
He nodded and the screen went blank again, this time for good. Clearly the conversation was over.
Sev looked down at the box in his hand, containing the devices and groaned. Gods, they were so totally, completely, thoroughlyfucked.
They couldn’t do what the Elders were demanding that they do—he couldn’t let himself touch Mia that way—couldn’t let himself dominate her! If he started down that road, Sev didn’t know if he could stop. If he let that part of himself—the Dae’mon part—out of the box, how could he ever put it back again?
I won’t do that,he told himself firmly.I’m not going to do anything to Mia she doesn’t want me to.
But that still left the question…how in the Seven Hells were they going to get out of here before he was forced to do what he had sworn not to?
Mia felt incredibly conflicted. On one hand, she was outraged by the misogyny in this place and the idea that her body was not her own. But on the other hand, there was no denying that the images on the screen had beenhot.Especially since she now knew that the “actors”—Enoc and Lisha—actually enjoyed what they were doing and everything she’d seen was clearly consensual.
But Sev and I can’t actuallydothose kinds of things together, can we?she wondered.I mean, it would be so bad for our professional relationship! And how could he ever respect me again if I let him order me around and control me like that? Partners are supposed to be equals—you don’t give your partner control over our body and your orgasms!
Except what if she had to? In order to survive and get out of this place, what if she and Sev had to do what was expected of them?
She rose abruptly and began pacing again.
“We need to find a wayoutof here,” Sev said from the couch. “Do you think you can talk to one of the widows—the ones who became Concubines to The Prophet? Maybe one of them might know where the secret exit you heard about is.”
Mia shook her head.
“I don’t know. I only got to talk to Kissie and Teebra today because we were all working together in the communal kitchens, but I think that only happens when The Prophet decides to give a lecture and ‘Impart his Wisdom.’ Ugh!” She made a face, disgusted all over again by the awful things she’d heard.
“Well, we need to find a way for you to talk to one of them,” Sev said, frowning. “Otherwise we’re just fucking stuck here.”