Page 63 of Punished
“I…I understand!” Mia gasped. Tears had sprung into her eyes but she couldn’t say if they were tears of pain or rage…or some other emotion. Sev wasn’t spanking her as hard as he could—she could feel his immense strength and knew that he was actually holding back quite a bit. But that didn’t mean that the stinging slaps he delivered to her bare bottom didn’t burn like fire!
At last she couldn’t hold back anymore and a sob broke from her throat. And then another and another. As soon as he heard her crying, Sev stopped spanking her. She was tensed in his lap, waiting for the next blow to fall…but it didn’t come.
Instead, he turned her over and gathered her into his arms.
“Come here, baby,” he murmured, stroking her trembling back and shoulders. He pressed his lips to her wet cheeks tenderly, kissing the tears away. Lifting her chin with one finger, he looked into her eyes. “Everything’s all right now,” he said softly. “Your punishment is over. You’re forgiven. All right?”
“It…it is? I am?” Mia tried to hold back the sob that rose in her throat.
“Yes, baby,” Sev assured her. “I’m not angry anymore.”
“You’re not?” Mia told herself she shouldn’t care if he was angry with her or not. But the sweet words he was speaking and the gentle way he was holding her were melting her heart. She had never felt this close to her partner—never.
“No, I’m not,” Sev promised. “I’m proud of you—you were a good girl to take your punishment the way you did. Such agood girl,Mia.”
Again, Mia couldn’t seem to help herself—this time his words sent a shiver of desire through her and she felt fresh wetness between her legs. The way he was calling her a “good girl” in that deep rumbling voice while he looked into her eyes was making her hot and even more wet between her thighs. God, what waswrongwith her? Had the spanking actually turned heron?
No,she told herself.No, it couldn’t have! I don’t like that kind of thing—I never have!
But if that was so, why were her nipples so tight and why was her clit throbbing between her legs as it never had before?
“Come on, baby girl.” Sev was suddenly lifting her in his arms as easily as though she weighed no more than a doll.
“Oh!” Mia put her arms around his neck. “What…where are we going?”
“To the bedroom,” he rumbled. “For some after-caring.”
“Some what?”
She didn’t understand but it didn’t seem to matter. Sev put her carefully on the bed and told her to roll over onto her stomach.
Mia did as he asked without question, wondering as she did why she kept on obeying his orders. Surely all this would stop if she just stood up for herself and told her partner firmly that enough was enough.
So why don’t you do that, then?whispered a little voice in her head.Why don’t you tell him it’s over?
But somehow she couldn’t seem to make herself do that—couldn’t seem to tell him to stop. Again Mia wondered, what waswrongwith her?
She didn’t have time to answer because Sev came back to the bedroom with several things in his hands. He set them all down on the small beside table and turned his attention to her stinging ass.
“What’s that?” Mia eyed the tube in his hand.
“Found it in the fresher—it’s going to make you feel better,” he rumbled. “Now spread your legs a little, baby girl. Going to rub some of this cream in to make it hurt less.”
Mia did as he said, aware as she did so of his muscular bulk bending over her and his body heat radiating against her bare skin. Her ass was still stinging and hot so when he applied the cool, soothing cream she jerked at first and then relaxed as he massaged it in.
“Good girl…that’s agoodgirl,” Sev growled softly, giving her those shivers again as his big, powerful hands rubbed the soothing cream into her skin. As he did, his fingers dipped inward, dangerously close to her rosebud.
Mia gave a little gasp and tightened up, trying to keep him from touching her there.
The result was a firm slap on her ass—not as hard as the spanking but certainly sharp enough to let her know what she was doing was not to Sev’s liking.
“No, baby—don’t try to close yourself to me,” he growled warningly. “You’re mine now—every part of you. Understand?”
“But please, Sev!” she pleaded. “Not…notthatpart.”
“Why not ‘that part?’” he demanded and she could hear the frown in his voice.
“Well…because it’sdirty,”Mia protested.