Page 69 of Punished
“I…I don’t want to stop,” she admitted—to herself as much as to him.
“I know you don’t.” Sev gave her a slow smile. “I can smell your heat—you need to come, baby girl. And I promise, if you’re a good girl and open your pussy for me, I’m going to make you come—nice and long and hard. All right?”
Mia bit her lip. She hadn’t had an orgasm in so long she could barely remember when the last one had been.
Yes, you do too remember!whispered a nasty little voice in her brain.It was back when—
Shut up!Mia pushed the voice and the bad memories it tried to bring up out of her head. Then she looked up at Sev.
“All right…Master,” she whispered, laying back on the bed and spreading her legs wider. “I’ll be your good girl. Do what you want to me…make me come.”
Gods, when she submitted so fully like this, it was all Sev could do to hold himself back! He’d always admired his partner for being such a strong female and if anything, he admired her even more now. It took a brave person with an immense amount of courage to open up completely to someone else the way Mia was opening herself to him. It wasn’t easy to let yourself be so vulnerable—Sev promised himself that he wouldn’t make her regret trusting him.
Slowly, he removed the steaming cloth. He was using a laser razor on her—the hot cloth was only meant to soften the curls and make them easier to shave.
He lifted the razor now from its place on the bedside table and showed it to Mia. He explained how it worked and used it on his own arm first, shaving away some of the short hairs there to show her that it didn’t hurt.
Then slowly and carefully, he removed the nest of soft strawberry blonde curls that decorated the mound of her sex.
Mia bit her lip but didn’t move so much as a micron as he carefully shaved her. The laser not only cut the hair, it instantly vaporized it as well, leaving nothing but a smooth, clean mound and soft pink lips parting to show him her beautiful little Goddess pearl.
“Gods, you’re so fucking gorgeous, baby girl,” Sev told her, his voice hoarse as he looked at her soft, smooth mound. “Can’t wait to taste your sweet little cunt.” He looked up, catching her eyes. “Are you going to make lots of honey for me to taste?” he murmured. “Is your sweet little pussy going to get nice and wet for me?”
Mia’s breath was coming in soft little pants and the scent of her desire was stronger than ever—oh, yeah—she loved it when he talked dirty to her! But Sev could sense some confusion in her too.
“What is it, baby?” he asked gently. “What’s wrong? What’s holding you back?”
“I just…I’ve never had anyone, uh, do this to me before,” she reminded him. “I’ve never been with anyone but Michael, you know. And remember I told you he never…you know.” She trailed off.
“Never tasted you—right.” Sev shook his head. “Your ex-mate was an idiot, baby,” he assured her. “But just because he didn’t know how to take care of you is no reason to feel nervous.”
“But…what if you don’t like the taste?” Mia still sounded scared and unsure of herself. “What if you hate it?”
“I can tell you right now, just from your sweet, hot scent that I’m going to love it,” Sev assured her. “But if you’re nervous, we can start with just a kiss.”
“Really? Just one kiss?” Mia looked at him uncertainly.
“Mmm-hmm. Look here—I’ll show you.”
Sev got up and rearranged things. He pulled Mia down until her lower legs were hanging off the side of the bed and put a pillow on the floor for himself. It might start with just one kiss, but he was betting it was going to turn into much more and he intended to be down here for a while. Lastly, he propped his partner’s head up with some of the big, fluffy pillows.
“There—this way you can watch me and see exactly what I’m doing,” he assured her. Do you want to watch me kiss your pussy, baby girl? Do you want to spread your sweet pussy lips open and let me kiss that soft little cunt?”
“Oh, Sev…I mean, Sir!” Mia gasped, her eyes going wide with desire.
Sev felt his cock surge at her reaction. God, he loved talking dirty to her and seeing her get so aroused!
“Well?” he growled softly. He already had his hands on her inner thighs, urging her to spread them for him. “Are you going to be my good girl and open your pussy for a kiss?”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered and Sev felt her parting her thighs. He watched as she spread them wide, letting her knees fall open to the sides as she had before, and then he gripped her knees and pressed them even wider apart.
Mia gasped and wiggled for a moment and Sev held her down—letting her feel his strength. Letting her know that she was open for him and there was nothing she could do about it.
Of course if she started getting upset and really wanted to stop, he would stop—any good Dom would. But it was good for her to have the illusion that choice had been taken away from her—good to let her feel that she was submitting to a Master who could hold her down at take what he wanted…if he wished to.