Page 72 of Punished
He was just drifting off to sleep, when she spoke.
“Sev?” she whispered.
“Hmm?” he mumbled.
“You forgot to put that thing on me—the Chastity device.” She sounded as sleepy as he felt, Sev thought. Both of them were worn out after a long day.
“That’s okay, baby,” he murmured, holding her close. “We can do it tomorrow morning. Right now it’s time to sleep.”
“But we shouldn’t…” Mia yawned. “Shouldn’t do this again. It’s bad…” Another big yawn. “Bad for our professional relationship.”
“Worry about that later,” Sev told her. “For now…sleep.”
“Okay.” And she snuggled against him and sighed contentedly.
Sev stroked her long hair, wishing this moment could last forever, though he knew that it couldn’t.
Tomorrow they would have to decide what to do…if they would continue to try and find a way out, or keep up their charade for the Elders in order to get to the Binding Ceremony in the Inner Sanctum. But for now there were no more decisions to be made—there was just the woman he loved in his arms.
He slept.
Mia woke up with the feeling that she’d done something she was going to seriously regret the night before. But what?
Well, for one thing, she was naked—that was strange since she never slept in the nude. Then she realized she did havesomethingon—someone had pasted two plastic patches over her nipples and they were squeezing and buzzing her tender tips. In fact, it might have been these strange sensations that had awakened her in the first place.
“What the hell?” Mia muttered sleepily. She pawed at the plastic patches but neither one would come off. What were they and how had they gotten stuck to her boobs?
Then she felt someone stirring beside her and a long, muscular arm looped itself around her waist and pulled her close to a big, warm body in bed beside her.
“Mine,” came a low, rumbling growl, slightly muffled by the bedclothes.
Mia began to have a bad feeling that she knew what she had done…and it was going to be very,veryhard to undo.
Last night,she thought.I told Sev we should just do what the Elders told us to—just give them what they wanted. And then…
And then her partner had gone full-Dominant on her while Mia herself had become a weak, whimpering submissive! It made her cheeks burn with shame when she remembered how completely she’d given in. Sev had put her over his knee and spanked her and she had gotten wet for him because of it!
He did a hell of a lot more than justspankyou,whispered a sarcastic little voice in her head.He touched you and licked you and tasted you—he freakingownedyou last night, Mia, and youlovedit!
Which could be the reason for the possessive growl her partner had just given as he pulled her close to his big, warm body.
There was part of Mia who wanted to stay there—curled close to his broad chest and breathing in his warm, addictive, spicy scent. But how could her partner ever respect her in the future if she allowed this to continue?
Forget the future—how can he respect menow?she wondered, squirming to get away from the heavy arm lying across her waist.After everything I let him do to me?
She remembered the way he had thrust his finger deep in her rosebud and the way he had ordered her to bend over so he could squeeze her ass. Not to mention the way he’d ordered her to ride the long, hard ridge of his cock as he sucked her nipples and…
“Mmm, baby girl—you’re smelling hot this morning.”
Her partner’s low, rumbling voice made Mia realize that she wasn’t just thinking about all the things they had done together last night—she was fantasizing about them and getting hot all over again!
God, what’swrongwith me? There’s no way I ought to be thinking that way about what we did together—I ought to be ashamed of myself for being so unprofessional.
Don’t you mean sosinful?whispered a voice in her ear—a voice from her past and her time in the sect.Think of everything you did—so disgusting and wrong. It’s not Sev’s fault—all men will do whatever you let them do, you know that. It’s always the woman’s fault—it’syourfault, Mia, that you woke up in this embarrassing, shameful situation. You did this toyourself!