Page 80 of Punished
“I don’t see how I’m even leaking,” she remarked, pulling her arms away enough to look down at her, by now,extremelywet top. “I’m wearing these stupid plastic Chastity Devices—shouldn’t they stop the flow?”
“Oh, they’re porous—so they can let the milk or nectar out until your husband can help you,” Zellah explained. “But if you want to manage without him, you’d better hurry. I’ve heard some of the newer devices are also wired with self-reporting alarms that let the Elders know you’re in need of milking. They get the signal and contact your husband to let him know.”
“What?” Mia jumped up from the desk she’d been sitting at. There wasn’t a moment to lose! “I have to go,” she exclaimed, still clutching her chest, which was becoming wetter by the minute.
“You’d better hurry,” Zellah agreed. “I’m sorry you had to find out about the Nutrient Crème this way,” she added. “If only I had met you when you first came, I could have warned you not to drink any. I try to avoid it myself now that I know, but it’s hard—they formulated it to be instantly addictive.” She shook her head. “One drink and you’re hooked.”
Mia felt a fresh surge of outrage go through her—the bastards here at the PPP just wanted to further their agenda and get new babies to raise in their horrible cult and they didn’t give a damn who they hurt to get the job done!
But her outrage was followed by another rush of panic. Shehadto get out of here and try to take care of herself before Sev was contacted by the Elders! She had just told him in no uncertain terms that they were never going to do anything sexual together again and he had agreed. There was no way she was going to break that agreement less than a day after they had made it!
“You’d better go before Brother Beemux shows up again, wanting to know what’s going on,” Zellah told her. “We can talk again later if you want—after you get your situation worked out. You’d better leave out the back door,” she added. “If anyone sees you and finds out who you are, they’ll report to the Elders, who will call your husband for sure.”
“Okay…thank you.” Mia nodded distractedly. “Where’s the back door?”
“Come on—I’ll show you.”
Zellah turned off the desk showing the lighted 3-D image of the Dome, which caused the holo to disappear, and rose to join Mia. She led the way through another quiet section of the library to a small wooden door on the back wall.
“Good luck,” she whispered, as she opened it quietly and ushered Mia outside. “Remember—self pleasure is what helps express the nectar the most—anything that causes your lower parts to contract and squeeze around whatever you can find to, you know, use down there.”
“Thank you—thank you for everything.” Mia nodded.
“And don’t run—you’ll just draw attention to yourself,” Zellah advised. “Walk quickly and keep your head down. If anyone asks, say you left something in the food heater and you have to get back before it burns. You still have…” She looked at a chronometer on the wall. “A few hours before the menfolk get home from their work detail. So if the Chastity Devices you’re wearing are the old kind, you should have time to get things worked out on your own.”
Mia nodded again. She would have given the other woman a swift hug to thank her for all her help, but the front of her dress was now drenched and she didn’t want to get the nectar she was leaking on Zellah.
“Thank you,” she said again. And then she turned and walked as quickly as she could in the direction of her domicile. She would just have to pray she was wearing the old kind of Chastity Devices—the kind thatdidn’tsend a signal to the Elders.
Hopefully she could get this fiasco taken care of before Sev came home.
“Brother Severith, you’re wanted in the foreman’s hut.”
Sev looked up from his labor—tending the pyramids of hydroponics plants which grew protein gills and sweet berries. It wasn’t so bad. The day before, they’d had him out in the heat of the artificial sun, hoeing the wheat crops manually. Compared to that, trimming the leaves and buds in the gentle warmth of the green house didn’t even make him break a sweat.
“Did you hear me? I said you’re wanted in the foreman’s hut.” It was one of the other males who worked here in the farming area, which took up about a quarter of the Dome.
“Did he say what’s it about?” Sev asked, frowning.
The other male—a Chakioun with pale blue skin and broad shoulders, shook his head. “Nope—just said to tell you to report to the foreman. I’d go quick if I were you,” he added. “If you don’t want to draw a shit detail like hoeing the wheat crop out in the sun or watering the grains.”
“Did that yesterday,” Sev grunted. “I’d as soon not repeat it.”
“Hurry up then—the foreman’s not a patient man,” the other worker advised him. “Best of luck,” he added.
“Thanks.” Sev nodded shortly as he gathered up his pruning tools and deposited them in the work basket.
He made his way out of the vast greenhouse and up the hill to the small wooden hut where the foreman stayed. Sev had only met him yesterday so he didn’t really have a strong impression of him, other than he was Chakioun like most people in the Dome, with pale blue skin and silver hair, and he seemed perpetually busy.
When he opened the door to the hut, the foreman had his head buried in a pile of documents on his desk.
“Yes?” he asked, without looking up.
“Uh, I was told to report here by another worker?” Sev made it a question, wondering what was going on.