Page 96 of Punished
“It doesn’t have to, baby,” he rumbled, stoking her hair gently in the darkness. “We can have this together—we can have everything—beeverything to each other. You can be my partner at work and my sub during our time alone together.”
“But…our professional relationship,” Mia began.
“Will be justfine,” Sev promised. He tilted her chin up and Mia saw that his golden eyes were glowing in the dark room. “Look at me, Mia—I swear I’ll never treat you as less than my equal. Because that’s what you are—everywhere but the bedroom. And even there, you have all the power.”
“I do?” Mia frowned. “But…I thoughtyouwere the Dom?”
“I am.” He stroked her cheek. “But I’m a Dom who’s lost his heart completely. I’m yours, baby girl—completely yours. Do you understand?”
Mia felt her heart swell. She knew what Sev was telling her—he would give anything to be with her. He loved her that much. And maybe, she was beginning to love him too, she thought. Maybe it would be possible to forget the past—to put all the heartache and guilt and pain behind her.
“I understand,” she said at last and cuddled closer to him. “I…I can’t promise anything, Sev, but I’ll try—okay?”
“That’s good enough for me,” he rumbled, holding her close. “Morethan good enough—it’s perfect.”
Mia snuggled in his arms, feeling warm and safe and happier than she could ever remember.
Sev loves me,she thought.He loves me and he wants us to be together—not just as partners but as lovers too.
The thought was immensely appealing. For the first time in a long time, she thought she might actually be able to be happy.
Feeling safer than she could ever remember, she let her eyelids drift closed as she drifted off to sleep in her partner’s arms.
She had no idea that her sweet dream was about to become a nightmare.
“Isn’t it wonderful that we getanotherlecture from The Prophet tonight?” Teebra exclaimed, grinning excitedly at Mia. “It’s not often we get two in one week—such a blessing from the Universe!”
“Oh yes—it’s amazing.” She tried to smile and hoped she sounded sincere, though she couldn’t imagine anything worse than having to sit around for hours listening to the odious Prophet spout his misogynistic crap.
“Of course, it’s only on the big screen,” Kissie pointed out. “The Prophet will be streaming it to us from inside hisInnerInner Sanctum.”
She and Mia and Teebra and Zellah were working in the communal kitchen, since there was going to be another gathering that night.
Big screen for sure,Mia thought. Actually, it was more like a Jumbotron at a Major League Baseball stadium. She’d been watching the men putting it up across the park as she kneaded dough for tonight’s bread earlier—it truly washuge.
Thinking of the enormous screen, which would project the face and words of The Prophet that night, made her remember the other, smaller viewer from the night before. The one Sev had used to show her exactly what he was doing to her while she was kneeling on the milking mat…
He’d been playing with it that morning, making the camera bug fly around and show the two of them from different angles as they lay in each other’s arms. The viewer was sitting on the magic dresser, which made it easy to see from the bed.
“Where did you find that, anyway?” Mia had asked him sleepily as she enjoyed the feeling of being close to him.
“In the cabinet. Someone must have left it there.” Sev had directed the camera bug to take a close up of the two of them together, with Mia snuggled close to his broad chest.
“I bet I know who,” Mia had said.
Sev frowned.
“You do?”
“Of course! It had to be Enoc and Lisha. We know they lived here in this domicile at one point—we found that memory disk of Lisha reciting the rules, remember?”
“You’re right!” Sev had grinned at her. “And we know they’re kinky fuckers—always wanting everyone to watch them get off on each other while Enoc ‘punishes’ his wife.”
Mia frowned.