Page 109 of Flame True
“Yeah, it’s okay. Thanks for helping me move my machines. I’d hire movers, but I trust you more.”
Erik grinned. “Once a grunt, always a grunt.”
“Think you left those days behind.”
“Speak for yourself,” Quinn set down three stacked U-Haul boxes. “I guess we have to tolerate him.”
“He’s saved your ass a few times.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t talk about that, Nick.”
The guys stared at each other, and Nick flipped open the prototype of the new sonic laptop. “Take a look at this. It’s super-fast, and even a non-tech person can use it.”
“He means you,” Quinn said.
Erik scoffed, coming behind Nick’s shoulder to look at the screen.
Nick handed him the laptop.
“This is going to make you a mint?” Erik said, passing it to Quinn.
“It’ll make Henri a mint. But yeah.”
“Yep, it’s going to be the next big thing,” Quinn said.
“So this is it for you, then? No more private operative shit for Axis Management?” Erik asked.
“I guess not.”
“What do you mean, Axis Management?”
The high-pitched voice broke the joviality of the room.
Nick saw Quinn’s shoulders hunch, Erik’s fist curled.
Nick swallowed before turning around.
“Hi, Colette.”
She glared at him, thrusting out a potted plant. “I brought this. What he said…what does that mean?”
Nick cleared his throat, stepping between Quinn and Erik. Quinn glared icily at Erik, and Nick didn’t want Quinn to lose his temper again.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“So I didn’t hear correctly? Do you work for Axis Management? Our competitor? You spend years telling Henri you’re not going to work for him, that you don’t do that kind of work, and then you go work for them?”
“Colette, they are not our competitor. It’s not what you think. Calm down.”
“Dad tried to buy Xander’s scheduling app. He laughed in his face! What do you think Henri is going to say?”
“Nothing. You aren’t going to tell him.”
“Like hell I’m not!” Colette turned on her heel.
“Colette! Seriously,” Nick grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around. “If you heard what Erik said, then you know… Quinn, stop!”
Quinn had Erik by the arm.