Page 115 of Flame True
“I’ll just call someone to come get me,” Mulberry choked back a sob.
“I meant to get out of the car.”
“Right, and I am, and I’ll just leave you now.”
“Not happening, little girl,” Nick said.
He stalked towards her, his hands clamped down on her shoulders. “That woman approached me and asked me to hand you over to them, or they would crash my father’s company.”
Bile rose in her throat, and she put her hands on the car’s hood.
“Your plan worked.”
“They found me?”
Nick crowded her space until she was backed up against the car. “Yes.”
Her eyes widened, and she looked away from him, biting her lip, but he didn’t miss the pulse at the hollow of her throat.
“Oh my god. Where are we? Do you know we aren’t followed?”
“We weren’t followed. I’m running a search on the photo of the woman, and I sent it to the Stone Security people to check if they’ve ever seen her before. Have you ever seen her before?”
Mulberry brushed her palms up along the side of her face shaking her head. “No. I thought she was one of your….”
“Conquests?” Nick supplied.
“Yes. Your mom sent me to tell her I was with you, and then I saw you kiss her.”
“I did not kiss her. I told her to fuck off,” Nick growled. “And what business is it of yours if I kiss anyone?”
She shook her head.
He lifted her chin to his, his glare making her feel very small.
“Did the thought of it make you jealous?”
“Yes,” she hurled the word like casting a spear intended to wound.
Nick couldn’t help but grin.
Mulberry might need time to feel safe enough, to be honest, but she didn’t hold back when she found that trust.
“Good,” his lips fused with hers. He kissed those pink lips until she went soft against his body. He swallowed her moans and wrapped his arms around her.
“I need to call my mom.”
“What you need to do now is make sure you are out of view. That’s why I brought us here.”
“To a mansion?”
“It’s a private BDSM Club. Welcome to Club Bandit, Mulberry.”
She glanced at the lavish, elegant building with the towering black door.
“Someone is chasing me, and you take me to a club?” She tilted her head in mock puzzlement. “Is this where you stash all your charges?”