Page 117 of Flame True
Mulberry glanced away, tears in the corner of her eyes. “I’m glad you didn’t, Nick. So what happens if we go in there?”
“We have a great time. And it doesn’t have to be forever.”
Something clouded her eyes again, but she straightened her shoulders. “Okay. Am I dressed okay?”
“Dress code is no street clothes. Outfits are available for purchase as soon as we walk in, and I have a locker with a change of clothes.”
She grabbed his hand. “Okay, take me inside, Nick. Show me what it means to play with the grown-ups.”
His heart burst was some kind of unfamiliar possessive pride.
He kissed her, teased her bottom lip, twirled his tongue along hers, wanting her so fiercely his cock was already rock hard.
This woman, who had been through so much, could have done many things with her trauma. She took hold of it and met her needs; tonight, he wanted to meet those needs, giving her a new experience.
He wanted her to feel safe and protected while exploring what she craved.
“My pleasure.” He took her arm, guiding her up the stairs.
Holding the giant door open for her, he ushered her into the entryway. The waterfall feature on the wall merrily flowed.
The soft lighting gleamed off the small black reception desk. The hardwood shined that led to the change rooms down the hall.
And behind the black wall of the reception, the beat of the music was loud.
“Wow,” Mulberry exhaled the word.
“Good evening, Sir. It’s nice to see you again,” Ina, a tiny submissive he’d played with once or twice before, said from behind the desk.
“Hello, Ina. I am here tonight with a guest who has never been here before. I will fill out her registration forms.”
“Sure,” Ina handed him an iPad.
In the spot for name, Nick wrote, “Nick Laurent assumes full legal responsibility for this guest tonight her identity revealed would put her at risk. She understands the risk of playing.”
Zee, the owner of Club Bandit, could call him on it if he wanted to, but Nick could confide to him it was an Axis Management job, and he’d understand.
“Read this and tell me you agree to it all,” Nick said.
Mulberry read the clauses of promising not to reveal anyone’s confidence and acknowledging she was about to be somewhere where consensual BDSM was happening. Nick checked the box and handed the iPad back to Ina.
“Um, okay,” Ina said.
“It’ll be fine. Now we might want to purchase an outfit. Can you help?”
“Yes, come this way.” Ina led them into a closet that opened beside the reception desk. “Ella just stocked this rack.”
“Beautiful,” Mulberry fingered the lace on a dark blue corset that hugged a mannequin.
“I’ll leave you to have a look.”
“Thanks, Ina,” the curly-haired woman smiled and brushed past him.
Nick took his time flipping through the hangers of expertly made garments in all different sizes. As much as he’d love to see Mulberry in a corset, he wanted something else…something like this, his hand closed a gossamer soft sheath dress.
“That’s…see through,” Mulberry whispered.
Her breath hitched, her eyes huge.