Page 151 of Flame True
“Not really. I don’t know what happened to Mr. Dashing. I guess he thought something different than I did.”
“Did you tell him how you feel?”
“Yes,” Mulberry crossed her arms over her chest.
And then she’d told him to go away.
“Sometimes people need to hear it more than once. People have always told you what they wanted from you. Don’t you think it’s time to speak up for yourself and stake your claim?”
“My claim?”
“Yes, granddaughter. What are you going to do with your life? What do you want? Who do you want it with?”
“That easy?”
“No, not at all. But being your mother’s daughter has meant that people have always told you who they are to you, and you’ve never really got to decide much about relationships. Maybe, now is the time. And maybe it’s scaring you.”
Maybe. But the question was, how could she tell Nick that she wanted him? That her feelings for him were true and she didn’t want a life without him?
And how did she get over being scared?
Mulberry swing an arm around her grandmother’s shoulder, kissing her cheek. “Grace is lucky to have you as a mom.”
Her grandmother patted her hand. “I know.”
“Nick, why are you moping? Is your father working you too hard?”
“No, Mamie,” Nick replied, handing his grandmother a cup of tea. “I just needed a break. My thoughts were far away.”
“Yes, they have been far away ever since you got here. Are you sure you didn’t want to go skiing with your sister? Although why she’s going skiing like a kid, I don’t know.”
“Colette likes it,” Nick said absentmindedly.
And his sister needed the break before she told their family how much Phil gambled away.
Her divorce from him was going to be messy and not what Laurent Industries needed, and he didn’t care.
All he could think of was Mulberry.
That’s where his thoughts were and had been for the last two weeks.
“She does look happy. It does my poor old heart good.”
“There is nothing poor about your heart.”
“Okay, maybe not, but tell me, what is wrong with yours?”
Nick sighed. He wasn’t going to win. He had come to his Mamie’s cottage, while thick fluffy snow-special snow, his heart twisted at the memory-to get a break because everywhere he went, he thought of Mulberry.
“Nothing. I thought…”
“Nick,” she glared at him.
“Okay,” he sat down, facing her by the cozy fireplace. God, how he wanted to show Mulberry this. He could imagine how she’d take it in, the dimples in her cheeks beaming, her eyes lighting up as she exchanged smiles with his Mamie.
“There was this girl, and I liked her a lot.”