Page 28 of Flame True
“I got myself into this. Should I be nervous?”
Nick shrugged. “No. They’ll love you, don’t worry.”
“They won’t be able to tell you don’t like me?”
“I will hide it well. I am good at my job.”
She smiled. “Breakfast is fine.”
“Yes. Do I need to tuck you into bed?”
She flushed. “No, it’s fine. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Mulberry.”
“Bye, Nick Laurent,” Mulberry smiled.
“Don’t forget to call your dad,” he said, turning back.
“Do you always listen to your mama?”
Nick laughed. “Not as often as she’d like.”
“Okay, I’ll call dad. See you later.”
He closed the door behind him, his dick hard in his pants.
This was a horrible idea in so many ways because there was no way Mulberry could be anything other than an assignment, no matter how much her lips made his dick twitch.
“So then your mom says, “Emma, you’re perfect for the role of the next-door neighbour’s daughter!” and I couldn’t say no after that, in front of everyone, right? I guess I got an acting gig” Emma slurped her daiquiri, then tapped Mulberry’s arm. “Hey, are you listening? You keep looking around the restaurant.
“Yeah. Great about the role.” Mulberry mumbled.
Even though they were sitting at a corner table in the back of the seafood restaurant, next to a window with the view of the harbour, Mulberry felt like they were exposed.
She couldn’t sit still, her nerves buzzing, having to tell Emma about Nick.
She’d had a panic attack when she woke up from her nap at Axis Management but then remembered where she was, took a shower, threw on clothes left for her in a bag outside the door and called her dad.
Hearing her dad’s voice settled her nerves.
Emma texted her to meet at the restaurant instead of the hair salon because she got the role on the TV show and couldn’t alter her hair. She’d called Nick. Two minutes later, he met her at the suite door, his expression tight with annoyance.
“What’s wrong?”
The scathing look he sent her made her feel two feet tall. “I told you to call me after you woke up. You didn’t.”
“I…I forgot,” she’d stammered.
He glowered, grabbing her arm. “You have a habit of not doing what you are told, Mulberry. If you’re going to play dangerous games, you must listen to me, or I can’t do my job.”
His touch sent electricity right to her core, and her cheeks heated. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’m meeting Emma at the restaurant and not the hair salon.”
“Let’s go.”
“What right now? But I haven’t told her about you. I was planning on doing that at the salon.”