Page 20 of The Earl's Spark
“Good morning, Mrs. Collier.”
The woman sniffed, lifted her nose in the air and looked down at Fyre as if she were shit on the bottom of a foot.
“Where is your boss?”
“Mr. Holmes has stepped out for a while. I would be happy to pass along a message if you would like.”
She glared and stepped closer. “If I wanted you to try and give him a message I would have told you to do so. I sure as hell do not need any n—”
“I think I have what I want to get.” Phillip interrupted the discussion by striding up to the counter and placing down the few things he’d picked up.
The woman couldn’t change her disposition fast enough. She blushed and primped right there, even though the man stood beside her.
“Lord Edais,” she cooed. “I did not know you were here. How have you come to find our lovely island?”
Fyre wanted to back away. She hated when people near her talked around her as if she didn’t even exist. Was she used to it? Of course, but it didn’t mean she particularly enjoyed that aspect of having darker skin here.
His expression was nothing like when he looked at Fyre and she took pleasure in that. He flicked a dismissive gaze over Mrs. Collier before bringing those gray eyes back to her.
“I would like all of these.”
“Yes, my lord.” It didn’t take her long to put them in a box for him. Then she pulled out a book and marked his purchase down.
“I have come to find your island, Mrs. Collier, nice for the most part. There are some behaviors that I find disgusting.” His tone grew cold. “I mean, I am the only one on the island who holds rank, and yet there are others”—he pinned her with his gaze—“who still are of the misconception they are better than other people.”
Mrs. Collier flushed an angry red. “There are proper places for people in the world, my lord.”
His laugh wasn’t the slightest bit kind. “I am aware. However, I have worked with a lot of people and have come to learn that the ones who think they are better than others are typically the ones who deserve the least amount of respect.” He picked up his box. “The ones who try to shame and embarrass others to make themselves feel better are not the kind of people I interact with. Humility speaks volumes. Something you should think about, Mrs. Collier. Ms. Gwen, thank you for all of your assistance. I will make sure your employer knows how valuable you are.”
He walked out, a jaunty whistle on his lips, and her heart twisted as she watched him leave from below lowered lids.
“I never!” Mrs. Collier huffed. Then she too left, however, she didn’t purchase anything.
Alone, Fyre sank into the counter, using it to hold herself up. She rubbed the nape of her neck before taking a deep breath and getting back to work. A tingle ran up her spine and she turned toward the door, not having heard it. It hadn’t moved and she didn’t see anyone there.
Exhaling, she turned back to the shelf she’d been straightening and bit back her scream. Phillip stood before her. He caught her by the upper arms to keep her from falling on the floor and she lost even more breath at the simple touch.
“My lord. You frightened me.”
His thumbs moved in small circles on her arms. Fyre couldn’t help but wish they were on her bare skin instead of the sleeves of her dress.
“Not my intent, however, I did get to have you in my arms.” A fleeting grin. “Therefore, I must say it was worth it, to me.”
She dropped her gaze to the floor and stepped free of his touch, mourning the loss immediately.
While he didn’t close the distance she’d put between them, neither did he allow it to increase. He held his ground. Fyre swallowed and tried to make sense of these unfamiliar feelings that were wreaking havoc on her.
She wasn’t an idiot, she got the concepts of lust and desire. Just like she knew what went on between a man and a woman. Or at least the basics. People talked, she listened, and there was that one time she’d walked by and seen—
Phillip’s deep tone yanked her off the path she had been heading down. Heart pounding, she flushed as she imagined herself and Phillip doing what she’d seen. By the time she met his gaze, there were troubling sparks there.
“What were you thinking about, Fyre?” He licked his lower lip and smiled. “Because you flushed and moaned, and I am determined to find out what it was that put that expression there.”
How bad would it be to just follow the cry of her body?
She was colored and had no place dallying with an earl. No matter how much he pretended to like her.