Page 24 of The Earl's Spark
“Do not put words in my mouth, Lord Edais. I have no problem with your title. I have an issue with men in my life trying to tell me what is best for me. Like you and my brother.”
His lips twitched as he stopped so close to her the smell of his freshly bathed body reached her and she latched on like a starving animal.
Phillip blinked and those gray eyes deepened as he stared down at her. “Am I?”
“Are you what?”
“A man in your life?”
Such decadence lined that question. She swallowed and licked her lips. His gaze darkened further.
However, a clearing throat jarred her and she jumped. By the window stood a man she’d not seen before. Tall, muscular. Jet-black hair and beautiful lake-blue eyes. Golden skin.
Heart thundering for a completely different reason than being so close to Phillip, she gulped and dropped to a curtsey.
How could I have been so foolish?
Not only had she burst in on an earl, but the man had company.
“Forgive me, my lord. I was not aware you were entertaining.”
“Chin up, Fyre. This is my best friend, Lucien.”
Unsure how much anger and disgust she would witness when she lifted her head, she did so slowly. Those blue eyes sparkled with humor and something else she couldn’t quite identify, but if she had to guess, it would be understanding or realization.
He gave her a little bow. “Lucien St. Martin, Marquess of Heartstone.”
She wanted to dig a hole and climb in as she recognized she’d just pushed rudeness beyond the earl and onto a marquess.
“Apologies, my lord, for my behavior. I will leave.”
“Do not leave on my account,” Lucien said, a smile making him even more handsome. “I am just catching up with my friend. Please. Continue, this is far more interesting than I had thought it would be.”
“Fuck off, Saint.”
Gaze flickering between the two imposing men, she wasn’t quite sure what to say. Phillip didn’t appear upset with his friend, despite what he said. And the fact he didn’t try to check his language before her warmed her. Like it was a bit of acceptance for her to hear this type of banter between him and his friend. Like she was not someone precious or delicate he had to present a certain façade for.
Who is Saint? Perhaps it was because of his name, St. Martin. She didn’t have the gumption to ask.
The man smirked and hefted his glass before taking a drink.
Phillip scowled at him before focusing back on Fyre. Looking serious, he reached toward her only to stop and lower his hand.
“Your brother came to me and told me to let you go. He said he would take over the job. I reminded him he had not been able to do it the first time, as he brought you in. After he told me he’d made arrangements with Mr. Caulfield to have all the work you needed, I informed him I would hire you full-time and pay a far more lucrative wage than Caulfield could dream of paying.”
Weighing her words, Fyre stole another peek at the man who didn’t even pretend to allow them to converse in private. He was right there, listening with unabashed interest.
“Why would you do that?”
“He is selling you to Albie.” Gray eyes narrowed. “That is not going to happen. Not while I am here.”
“So instead of that, you are trying to buy me?”
His brows furrowed. “What? No.”
There was no mistaking the snort of laughter from his friend. She refused to look at him. Why piss off two powerful men?
Phillip stepped closer and she retreated the same amount.
How did men get their voice to resonate so low and vibrate through a woman like that? It did its best to knock her off her focus, the reason she’d come here.
It was not to fall for his charm and sex appeal.
Right, because that had already happened.
“You are doing the same thing my brother is. Telling me who I can and cannot work for. How is it selling me off to someone when you are doing the same thing? Just because you are buying does not make the outcome any different. I am well aware of how he struck a deal with Albie. It will not be honored, not by me. He is staying on the schedule on his days. That is all.”
The earl fisted his hands, nostrils flaring as he took some deep breaths. “I am not buying you. I do not own people.”
“So you say.”
His gray eyes flashed with something she couldn’t identify. What she could recognize was she had quite possibly pushed him too far. Phillip stepped toward her, not pausing when she retreated until he was right there. In her space.
Then there was light and room between them. She flushed with embarrassment as it dawned on her who had split them up.