Page 28 of The Earl's Spark
“I will be right back.”
With a bow, he nodded. “Take your time. I will be right here.”
She gave a smile of thanks and walked inside. There was a movement behind the curtain separating the front area from the back and she saw her boss, Mr. Shelldor.
“You are almost late.”
Biting her tongue, as was common in her interaction with him, she just nodded. “I apologize, sir. I have been summoned out to Hawk’s Cove by Lord Edais. His carriage is right out front. Shall I send a message that I cannot come at the moment?”
His head snapped up and she held still, not flinching under his glare, even though she wanted to. Mr. Shelldor was imposing. A large, burly man who seemed to enjoy scowling far more than he did smiling.
Not that it mattered. She wanted the job.
He stomped to the left and stared out the front of the shop. She didn’t even look around, knowing that he saw Davie standing out there beside the carriage with the crest on the side.
She nodded. “Shall I return after I am done there? Or would you prefer I not come back today?”
He crossed his arms and stared at her. “Come back.”
“Very good, sir. I will return as soon as possible.”
With a flick of his hand, he turned around and walked into the back, leaving her alone in the store. That went well.
Her steps weren’t as sure when she made her way back out to the waiting carriage. Davie helped her up with another smile. The horses stepped out smartly and she gripped the edge of her seat as the warm air flowed over her face.
Her belly clenched as he turned them up the drive to the house. She exhaled slowly.
What is it about this man that makes me so…uncertain?
The answer, or rather answers, to that were not something she wanted or needed to go into right now.
She blinked and glanced down to see Davie standing there, hand out. Waiting. Flushing again, she accepted his help and was soon on the ground.
“I will be here to take you back to town when you are finished.”
“Thank you, Davie.”
Chin up, she turned her feet toward the steps leading to the door. She knocked and rested her hands in front of her.
The butler, Keating, opened the door and looked at her. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of his expression. She hadn’t ever been able to read him. Not the slightest bit.
“His lordship is expecting you.”
“Thank you, Mr. Keating.”
He narrowed his eyes slightly but pivoted on his heel and she took that to mean she was to follow. So she did.
A footman closed the door behind her. As she walked over the spotless floor, her shoes barely making a sound, she marveled over how cool it was in here. Keating paused before a closed door and knocked.
Just a single word and her belly clenched with the need she had decided to call nothing but inappropriate.
With a nod of thanks to Keating, she walked by him and into the room. This time, unlike her previous visit here, she scanned the entire thing, checking to see if they were there alone or if his friend was there with him.
He was.
She gave a low curtsey. “Good morning, Lord Edais.” She angled toward his friend. “Lord Heartstone.”
“You are a delight to see so early in the day, Miss Gwen. Have you eaten?”
“Saint.” It was a warning from Phillip.
The man didn’t appear the slightest bit bothered by the threat. He shrugged without shame and crossed his ankles as he continued resting against the sideboard. She couldn’t help but notice the amused smile that danced along his lips.
“Just making conversation, as you appear too tongue-tied to say anything.”
She placed her attention back on Phillip. He waited for her to look at him.
“You cannot just order me to be here when you wish, Lord Edais.”
Her gut clenched as his lips turned up just in the corners, like she’d just issued him a dare and he was looking forward to proving to her exactly how wrong she was.
Chapter Eight
Phillip stood stall and rolled his shoulders, trying his best to get them to loosen up. The day had been cooler than the normal and so many people had been out and about taking advantage of the temperature. Evening had descended upon them and his workers had all called it a day, but he still remained out in one of the fields.
He propped his hands on his hips and turned a full circle, staring at his property. Aches and pains owned his body but for the first time in his life he was proud of what he was accomplishing here. More often than not, he was out working with his men and women in the fields.
Who would have thought him purchasing this place would have awakened something inside him that had him longing to do far more than just drink, gamble, and whore around? He’d changed.