Page 51 of The Earl's Spark
Kolby was in his back office with him, leaning against the wall while Phillip paced. This room had been the one that his friend Trace’s woman had been held prisoner in. One of the first things he had done when the ownership had become his was tear out one of the walls and turn it into a room with windows and light.
He couldn’t repair what had happened here, but he was able to do his best to be better going forward. He made sure there were no more slaves on his land and that the men and women who worked for him were paid a decent wage. Already the act had put him on the outs with some other plantation owners both on this and the surrounding islands. But he didn’t care.
Even before he’d met Fyre, he wouldn’t have been able to own a person. A woman he loved and respected, Lucien’s wife, looked like those who had been enslaved here, and he never would have been able to look her in the eye again if he’d owned anyone. Let alone himself. Ciara was a special woman and he would never disrespect her.
“What about using a new set of books and setting a trap?” Kolby’s low voice wound around him.
He paused by the window that looked out over a large field of tall green grasses. The very field he would cross when it came time to take his woman on their picnic. “If they are smart like we feel they are, they would be suspicious to see just a single page of numbers. Especially if they were just thrown down.”
“No, I mean a second copy of the books. Start making another set and when they are ready, you keep the correct set with you and set up the others as a lure.”
It would be a lot of work, but Kolby made sense.
“And are you offering up your services to keep an eye out here as well as watching my woman?”
The agreement came with little hesitation.
He narrowed his eyes on Kolby. “You like her.”
The man straightened, looking far more dangerous than he had seconds ago, even if he still remained with his hands in his pockets. “I respect her. Just like I respect the claim you two have on each other. But yes, I do like her and had I met her first, she is a woman I would have gone after.”
“How much time have you spent with her?”
The man flashed a grin and Phillip frowned. He was extremely handsome when he smiled, not that Kolby did a lot of that. At least not around him.
“We eat breakfast together.”
Possessiveness rolled through him and he clenched his jaw. “I see.”
Kolby shook his head. “Your woman is stubborn, Edais. She gave us a demand. We shared breakfast with her or she would set off to make our jobs harder.” One shoulder moved in a laconic way. “She is the little sister we never had. None of us is competition for you.”
Damn right.
“She knows all of you and can tell you apart.”
“Yes. Even the actual twins. She is never wrong about which is Zander and which is Archer.”
“Would you be able to do this during a house party?”
“Watch over the books?”
“I am thinking I have been here a while and I should throw a party. Have people stay over, do things like we did in England. Activities, food, drinking. If the one doing this comes or thinks this would be the opportune time to make a move because of all the people, that will be their mistake.”
“In a month or so? We could get a few things set up in your study to be able to keep an eye out.”
“Yes, this is going to work. I am going to go track down my woman for our picnic and tell her she is staying for the week of activities as well. But first, we have to copy the books over so whoever is doing this does not become suspicious.”
Kolby nodded. “I will update my brothers.” Without another word, the man vanished.
Alone in the room, Phillip turned another full circle and walked out. Fyre was in his study and he headed straight there. The moment he spied her, head bent over her work, his heart eased in his chest. The ache there faded and his entire body relaxed.
For a moment, he just waited in the doorway, observing her.
“Ready for the picnic?”
She jumped, put the pen down and looked over at him. “You scared me.”
“The proper response is ‘Yes, Phillip, I am ready for you to take me away from here and have your wicked way with me.’ Or at least, that is the answer I am looking for.”
Her gaze sparkled. “Yes, my lord. I am ready for a picnic.”
He walked toward her. “Not quite what I said, but thankfully, I hear what I want.”