Page 79 of The Earl's Spark
Phillip stood between her and Mr. Caulfield. His hands were fists at his sides and he advanced on the man sprawled out on the ground. A stream of words rushed from him but she couldn’t focus. Not on anything.
James was there to help her up and she kept her eyes downcast as she tried to brush off her skirt, but the pain in her wrist pulled a cry from her lips. Phillip whirled back to her.
His expression was angry. His eyes concerned as he watched her.
In turn, she observed him, and he appeared to be working through something. He glared back over his shoulder then took the two steps that with his stride put him directly in front of her. He was gentle with her as he picked up her injured arm.
His fingers danced along but barely touched her wrist. “Are you okay?”
She nodded.
Phillip cupped her face and made her look at him. “Fyre,” he murmured. “I need to hear the words.” His thumb swept along her lower lip as he stared.
“This is improper, my lord.”
He clenched his jaw. “I do not give a fuck. In fact, I want everyone to know.”
“Know what?” How was she supposed to think when his touch played havoc on her senses? “And I will be fine. My wrist is hurt.”
“I am taking you to the doctor to get it looked at.”
“Not necessary.”
“Oh, trust me, it is very much a necessity. You do not let me do this and I will carry you there.”
Phillip released his hold on her injured wrist. She held it and sighed. Fyre lost her breath when he cupped the other side of her face with that same hand. He tipped up her head and when their eyes locked, he blinked.
For an instant, she could see the worry in his.
“Because you were hurt. You fell and you cried out. Do you have any fucking idea what that did to me?”
“My lord, people are watching.”
Not what she expected him to say.
“I cannot do this anymore, Fyre.” There was no modulating his tone now and she knew his words were carrying to everyone listening. And there were more gathering as the moments went on. “No longer will I hide my feelings for you. I cannot, will not, do that. Everyone needs to know that you are my woman and I will do whatever is necessary to keep you safe.”
Phillip kissed her.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Phillip probably should not have done that. He did not have regrets over kissing her in public, but he probably should have given her some warning. Fyre lived up to her name. When she raged, she raged.
And he fully expected to get the brunt of her wrath.
Fyre touched her lips with shaky fingertips, blinked almost as if having to nudge herself out of the shock of his action, and lifted her gaze to his once more. He hated that her hand still shook as she lowered it to her side.
Everything in him demanded that he gather her close and not let her walk away. To make her stay and face the portal to chaotic hell he had pushed them into. But he only held firm, refusing to release her gaze.
“What have you done?”
Her question was so low he nearly missed it.
“Claimed my woman.”
When she stepped back from him it took every bit of his resolve not to pursue her and draw her back close to his chest.
Where she fucking belongs. With me. By me. Touching me.
The voice in his head was so loud with its assuredness, he nearly winced from the force of the thoughts. No matter how true they were.
“Your woman.”
Fyre didn’t make it a question. To him, it sounded as if she were mulling it over, not sure she agreed.
People were gathering. He didn’t give a fuck about them. His concern was Fyre. And he didn’t take his eyes off her.
Comments were flying back and forth, people who he had heard speak highly of her, whispering about him having kissed a dark-skinned woman on the street. In the middle of town. Phillip growled low in his chest. Apparently their support of her only went so far.
She heard him, her eyes widening a tiny bit more. And he decided fuck it. Moving into her he curved his fingers around her upper arms, bringing her back that small amount that she’d retreated from him.
“You do not know what you have done.”
“Wrong,” he countered. “I know exactly what I did, Fyre. Every second since I saw that fucker touching you, I’ve known what I was doing. I can tell you how many steps that I took to cross from where I was to here. How if you had not cried out, I would not have stopped hitting that excuse for a man. And, how fucking much I want to kiss you again.”
“I will be an outcast.”