Page 83 of The Earl's Spark
She nodded.
“Cara made her own decisions, baby. Even now she is making her own. It is obvious her concerns are about her and not the rest of her family. Do not feel guilty about that.” He tugged on the hem of her skirt. “Her time will come to answer for her betrayal.”
“It is not right. Her children are incredible but all she does is hurt them.”
Another tug on the soft green material of her dress. “Those children have you in their life. They will always be loved and know it.”
“I was thinking, maybe we could follow her and Elonne one night when they go out, see if she meets anyone else. If it was a woman, Elonne wouldn’t be suspicious, I don’t believe.”
He narrowed his eyes. “We?”
“Not me, because I would offer to watch the children.”
Phillip drew her closer to him, setting her legs over his, lifting her skirts up more. “If you offered to do that, would she be suspicious?”
“Maybe.” Her breath hitched as he stroked her skin. “But I can say I missed them and she would know that was true. I do miss them.”
“Do you want to watch them at my estate?”
“No, that she wouldn't allow. And I do not think it proper.”
He grinned, thumbs skimming the insides of her knees. “I want you in my bed, Fyre.”
Her brown eyes grew darker. “I want it too.”
“A week after you making your claim in the middle of the street seems rushed.”
“Not for me.”
Frustration welled up within him and he tried to contain it. When she winced, he knew he had failed.
The sorrow in her expression nearly killed him. “Why are you hesitant?”
Fyre shook her head. “We should focus on catching Cara.”
“Baby, look at me.” He waited until she did. “You are what is important. The money will work itself out. I am—we are—aware someone is trying to undermine me and what I am trying to do here. You are more important to me than that.”
“Money is important.”
He nodded. “It is, but you do not get to believe because it is, you are not.”
“I always worry about money. Someone in my position has to.”
Her statement pissed him off on two levels. One, because he knew she spoke the truth, which made the truth of what her brother had done even more heinous in his reality. And two, because she didn’t have faith he would be there to provide for her.
“I do not know what it was like for you before, Fyre. I can assume, but I did not live it. All I can do is promise you that is a concern for you no longer.” He forced his anger back down, but it wouldn’t stay put and surged up again. “I swear to you, it is not something you have to worry about going forward.”
“I do not mean to upset you, my lord.”
Swallowing his anger, he gave her a smile. He dragged his hands along her legs, loving the way she melted and her eyes heated with a passionate desire he swore no other man would see.
“Frustrated is not the same as upset, Fyre. I want a kiss.”
She blinked, then smiled as she leaned forward to touch her lips to his.
Phillip moaned and tightened his grip on her, his cock pressed hard to his breeches. Pushing his tongue deep into her mouth, he allowed all of the angry, negative thoughts to go where they should. Away.
They had focused enough on everyone else by now. It was time for them.
He pulled back slightly, grinning when he heard her mewl of disappointment. Coaxing her to come with, to follow his mouth, she was soon on his lap, straddling him and cupping his cock between her legs. Her wet heat was easy to feel.
Yet it wasn’t enough.
Hands up under her skirts, her core rocking on him as their tongues dueled, was not fucking enough for him. He craved more.
She shifted on him and he growled low in his throat when her small, strong hand snuck between them to grasp him.
“Show me,” she whispered against his lips.
God, to keep her touch on him, he would show her whatever she asked.
“What?” he rasped the single word question. “What do you want me to show you?”
She squeezed his length and gave short strokes. “How to please you.”
Phillip closed his eyes before he could garner the strength not to just push her back and slide into her slickness. She was waiting for him, eyes wide and luminous, when he finally opened his again.
“You do, Fyre. I swear to you, every time you touch me, you please me.”
Her smile grew wider and he knew she had allowed the earlier talk to fade as well. She inched back and he bit off his rumble of discontent as she moved away from his touch.
Fyre didn’t leave his lap, no, she only moved enough so he could free himself. Or she could, which she did. Her skirts were still ruched up around her waist and he could see her pussy, the soft hairs there glistening with proof of her arousal.