Page 88 of The Earl's Spark
Kolby didn’t speak, allowing him a few moments to get his shit back together. When he had, Phillip sighed and rubbed his temples. Losing his temper at the man who was telling him things he needed to know was not productive at all. Damon and his brothers were doing all they could to help him and keep his woman safe.
“She was fine, but he could see she was shaken up.”
He ground his jaw. “Did he touch her?”
A bit of an easier breath. “How did he know she was shaken up?”
“I cannot speak for my brother, but I would guess because we watch her all the time and have learned this about her.”
That bothered him too, but he was the one who had asked them to keep an eye on her and make sure she stayed safe.
“Did he say anything else?” God, he wanted to go to her place and see her, find out how she was doing. Hold her. Kiss her.
Tell her I love her.
That honest admission shook him for a moment and he sat there, staring at his empty glass.
Kolby cleared his throat and stepped forward. “He didn’t say anything else. If you draw me a map of where you went, I will sneak back and take a look. If there are tunnels I will follow them to see where they end up coming out.”
Phillip nodded and pulled out a sheet of paper to do just that. Kolby didn’t stay long and soon Phillip was by himself in his office. He rang for a maid and, when she walked in, he ordered some food and drink.
Not too long after, flipping idly through his books, he gestured for the newly arrived tray to be placed on the end of his desk. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Something I can help you with, my lord?”
He looked up to find the maid lingering. He narrowed his eyes as he took in the expression he had seen on many in England who had been looking for a favor from the lord of the house.
“Why are you here?”
“I am here to serve you, my lord.”
“I do not mess with the help. Leave, and if this happens again, you will be out of a job here.”
“You messed with her.” The words were low and overflowing with venom.
Phillip dropped his spoon in his bowl of soup and snapped his gaze back up to her. The ugly expression faded away the moment she noticed he was watching her.
“What did you say?”
The smile on her face was fake, like the simpering flirtation. It wobbled a moment but didn’t fade.
“That I am here to serve you, my lord.”
“No,” he said slowly, drawing out the word. “What you said after that.”
She blinked, her smile still not fading away. “I am sure I do not know what you mean, my lord. Was there something you wanted me to say?” A pause. “Or do?”
He nodded. “There is actually. Can you please go get Mrs. Archer and come back with her.”
A curtsey. “Of course, my lord.”
While she was gone, he took a few deep breaths, not needing to lose his temper. Already so close to the edge, given what Kolby had told him about Caulfield, this wasn’t what he wanted to deal with. Not ever, but especially not now.
He ate a bit of soup while waiting for her to return with the housekeeper. When the knock came, he watched them both enter. The maid now had a reserved expression on her face.
“She said you asked to see me, my lord?”
“Yes.” He leaned back and laced his fingers on the desk. “This maid,” he said, not caring to know her name, “is to be kept away from me and my fiancée. If that means she is let go, fine. However, and I will make a statement to the house after this, I will not put up with anyone saying anything against Miss Parker. She is going to be the woman who is in charge here. She will be my countess.”
Mrs. Archer firmed her mouth and turned to the female beside her. “I will handle this, my lord.”
“Of that, I have no doubt, Mrs. Archer.” He picked up a pen. “That will be all.”
The next time he looked up they were gone, his door closed, and by all accounts he was completely alone. He ate while he went over the books that should have been his time with Fyre tonight.
Despite his frustration at being away from her, it was a late night for him. Even so, he was up early and on his way to her place as the sun crested the horizon. With a brief stop off to Georges, he purchased some morning pastries and continued on his way.
He halted his horse before her home and looked around, knowing that one of the brothers was near, somewhere, watching her, but unable to see them. Phillip swung down and went to the door, where he knocked four times. He knew she had taken the children because of their plan but he wanted to see her.