Page 31 of Tame My Wild Touch
"Hallelujah!" the crowd cheered.
Prudence stepped from behind Zac and opened her mouth.
Zac immediately slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. "Shut up," he whispered harshly.
She tried to protest, but he stilled her with a sharp squeeze to her side. "The only thing worse than an angry gunslinger is a preacher who believes an innocent woman has been wronged," he whispered.
Prudence looked at him in disbelief.
"He’ll pull that trigger without second thought and be praised for carrying out justice instead of murder."
Prudence listened carefully to his whispered words, and then looked around at the sea of faces. They were grave and determined to see that the Lord's justice be done.
"Will you take Sister Prudence as your wife and cleanse her soul?" the preacher asked, raising his rifle and focusing the barrel right between Zac's eyes.
Prudence stared at Zac. What choice did he have?
And that was what she saw written in his intense look. What would it be… death or marriage to her? Not much of a choice. But then he was smart. His trade had taught him how to get out of many a tough situation. Perhaps he would find a way out of this one.
"I have no objections to marrying Prudence."
She heard his loud, clear words but didn't believe them. Why shouldn't he answer thusly? He had over a dozen rifles fixed upon him, set and ready to fire. What man wouldn't agree to marry someone under those forced circumstances?
The choice wasn't hers or his. She would think of the consequences later. After all, her father was a wealthy man and could buy many things. He could probably have this farce of a marriage dissolved in no time.
"Sister Prudence, prepare yourself, for it is your wedding day," Preacher Jacob cheered.
"What if I don't wish to marry him?"
The crowd grew silent, all eyes focused on Prudence.
She realized her mistake immediately. She had no choice, couldn't even voice an objection if she wished. They were doing this to protect her and she was ungratefully protesting.
Zac let out a hearty laugh. "Gentlemen, see what you saddle me with? A woman who thinks she can decide for herself. A wedding it shall be. Her opinion doesn't matter."
"Come all to my wagon and watch as I unite this couple in holy union," the preacher announced, waving his rifle like a staff to direct his flock.
Cheers rang out and everyone moved forward, carrying Prudence and Zac along in a wave of excitement. Prudence pressed close to Zac, and his arm clamped firmly around her. Her hand reached for his vest, grasping the material as the crowd squeezed around them.
"I have a plan," Zac whispered. "Trust me."
Prudence didn't have an inkling as to what Zac's plan was, though she hoped he would implement it soon. All was ready for the wedding. In minutes the preacher would begin, and what then? Would they be joined as husband and wife?
The crowd was thick with eager faces, all waiting to witness the marriage. Men and women strolled around, smiling and nodding at Prudence, some in understanding, others in condemnation. The dozen men with the rifles stood on the outskirts of the crowd, ready to guarantee the conclusion of the ceremony.
Ellie fussed over her, helping right her bonnet and suggesting the children pick flowers for a bridal bouquet.
Prudence cringed at the thought, although the children found delight in it and scampered off to gather wildflowers.
Zac stood next to the preacher, chatting. Prudence was surprised to see that Zac dominated their talk, while the preacher continually nodded his response.
She wondered over their exchange and hoped it related to his plan.
The children returned with a full bouquet of common dandelions, their thick flowering heads a star-burst of bright yellow. Ellie handed them to Prudence, and then signaled with a nod to her husband.
The preacher stepped forward, motioning to the lingering crowd with his large hands. "Let everyone gather to witness the holy union of this loving couple."
Zac had removed his holster and his hat. He walked over to Prudence and took her hand, directing her with a gentle nudge to stand in front of the preacher.
"The plan?" she whispered, doubtful as to its success.
"Going accordingly," he answered in a much too self-assured tone.
She shot him a reproving look.
He countered with a smile.
She had the distinct feeling his plan was to marry her.
The service began, the preacher's voice booming out the ceremonial words over the crowd.
Prudence tilted her head to look up into Zac's face.
He winked and his smile broadened. She didn't smile back.
The service was fast and to the point. A shotgun wedding to be sure. In minutes, Preacher Jacob was pronouncing them husband and wife and reminding Prudence of her duties.
Her duties were all too obvious. The first one was to rid herself of a husband as quickly and painlessly as possible. She didn't want anyone in Boston to learn of this. The women would gossip over why her marriage was so short-lived. And of course, since they all thought so highly of Mr. Stewart, the blame would be placed on her. Inadequate as a woman.