Page 72 of Tame My Wild Touch
Her head snapped up, surprised to hear her husband's voice. He looked rumpled and sexy, as though he'd spent the whole night making love. She smiled. He had done just that and with her.
"I'm awfully warm," he said, kicking the covers down off him and turning on his side to rest his elbow on the pillow and his head in his hand. "Actually, I'm damn hot."
"I can see that." She gave him an approving glance that came to rest on the swelling length of him.
"Why don't you come over here and cool me off, and I’ll warm you up?"
Her smile spread. God, she loved the way he spoke to her. There was nothing proper and mannerly about him where making love was concerned, and that excited her. She walked toward him.
"Take it off," he said roughly. "I want to watch you walk naked to me."
Prudence deliberately let the shawl slip slowly from her as she took each step. When she reached the bed, he grabbed for her, pulling her beneath him.
"Now it's my turn to tease." He eagerly lowered his mouth to her nipple.
"Good God! I told you hiring Zac Stewart was a mistake. Now look at the mess Prudence is in," Granger shouted, waving his hand in dismissive disapproval.
James Winthrop tried to ignore the man's wild ranting, but he was beginning to weigh on his nerves. "I've explained to you numerous times that Zac had no choice in the matter. Prudence is now safely in his care and I feel relieved, as should you."
"Relieved? Relieved to know the woman I intend to marry is now married to another man, and a gunslinger at that?" Granger shot back.
James had had enough. Granger had not once expressed concern for Prudence. "What about Prudence? Don't you care what she must be feeling now?"
The changed expression on Granger's face betrayed his concern, not for Prudence, but for how James Winthrop viewed him.
"Of course, of course," he faltered, searching for the correct words to soothe the man. "I've been concerned about Prudence since the very first day she undertook this venture. Women are fragile creatures and need protection. They cannot survive without a man to lead them and keep them in line."
James shook his head in exasperation and dropped into his leather chair behind his desk. His daughter had been right all along. Granger wasn't interested in her. His only interest was to merge two banks and build a banking empire.
"You feel you know Prudence well?" James asked, anticipating the answer but wanting to see if Granger would dig his own grave deeper.
"Yes, I most certainly do." His words possessed an air of testiness. "I don't even see how you could question me on that matter. Prudence is a well-bred lady. She seeks what all women with such impeccable status seek. A fine home and children and, of course, charity work to fill her time. We would make the perfect couple. She would fulfill my needs and I would fulfill hers."
Granger's stupid words exasperated the already painful throbbing in James's temples. He massaged them, applying pressure to the pounding veins on the sides of his head.
"This marriage must be annulled immediately," Granger demanded, slamming his fist down on James's desk for emphasis.
James slowly removed his fingers from his temples and looked up at Granger. "That decision will be up to Prudence."
Granger took a step back, hand to his chest, aghast at what he heard. "Prudence doesn't know her own mind. She proved that by running off on this ridiculous trip. When she becomes my wife, she will follow my orders and behave appropriately."
"That remains to be seen," James argued, thinking that his daughter was better off with a man like Zac Stewart for a husband than with this milksop standing before him.
"What —what do you mean 'remains to be seen'? An annulment is the wisest course of action in this matter. Do you want her ostracized by her friends?"
James stood, his large form intimidating enough to cause Granger to take another step back. "At the moment, I don't care what her friends think. Prudence is my first and only concern."
"Naturally. I am just as concerned, but we must also take into consideration the results of such a disastrous situation and make provisions for the outcome. The easier we can make it for Prudence, the better it would be for her."
James hated to admit it, but Granger did have a point.
"You wouldn't want her to return to Boston after such a traumatic ordeal and be shunned by her friends. We must make the transition as smooth as possible."
"A point well taken," James said, trying not to let the words choke him. "How do you propose we do that?"
"Simple," Granger answered, as though James were foolish for not thinking of it himself. "Have the annulment papers drawn up before you leave and seek special dispensation for Prudence and me to marry immediately. The talk of her first, unfortunate marriage will fade in the wake of the preparations for her forthcoming marriage. She will be too busy with wedding plans to think of anything else."