Page 77 of Tame My Wild Touch
Another short grunt was released.
So the weather didn't disturb him. What other possibilities could there be? Perhaps he was concerned with her? "I had a wonderful night's sleep."
His grunt was the longest she had ever heard. A growling grunt, she thought, and wondered over its translation. Her practical side finally emerged and took over. She turned in the seat and looked directly at him.
"Whatever is your problem this morning? You're acting abominably."
He turned, too, lifting his head only a fraction so his dark eyes appeared even darker in the shadow of the brim of his hat. His lips wore no smile. No frown marred his handsome features. He displayed no emotion at all. She felt chilled by his empty stare and wondered if this was the mask he wore when he faced another gunslinger.
"Why do you presume I have a problem?" His tone was low and controlled, each syllable being enunciated with just the right amount of cool force.
His frostiness didn't in the least disturb her. "You've done nothing but grunt all morning. Those are the first civil words you've spoken to me."
"Perhaps I'm not in the mood to talk."
"No, perhaps you're not, but you are in the mood to be ill-mannered."
"And perhaps I have reason for such ill manners."
Prudence raised her brow. "There is no logical reason for ill manners."
"None?" he asked sharply.
"Children," Prudence answered, "are prone to ill manners, being they don't know any better and must be taught appropriately. Adults, on the other hand, should know better and confront a problem with intelligence."
Damn! Did she always have to make sense? He'd been stewing in his own pot since last night. His problem was one of his own making, not hers, though he'd like to believe it was.
"You've got a point," he admitted reluctantly.
"At least that's a start." Content that she had broken through his chorus of grunts, she said, "Now let's discuss it."
Zac pushed his hat back to see her better and turned on his outrageous smile. "Honey, I don't think you want to do that."
"Of course I do," she said seriously. "A matter cannot be dealt with and settled unless discussed honestly. Too many misunderstandings occur when both parties assume things. I don't wish that to happen to us."
"What if the matter is delicate?" he asked.
Prudence nipped at her lower lip and thought for a moment. "I think a husband and wife should be able to discuss anything. So many of my married friends find various subjects off limits with their husbands. I don't wish that type of relationship between us." She didn't bother to add ‘for the limited time we have to share’."
Zac liked her directness and the thought that they could discuss anything. He'd never considered holding a conversation about sex with a woman, but he'd try anything. Anyway, he couldn't wait to see Pru's expression when he explained his mood. "If you feel comfortable with open discussions, I have no problem with it."
"Good." A sharp nod of her head confirmed her satisfaction. "Now what's wrong with you?"
Prudence almost lost control, almost but not quite. The years of enduring the cruelty of other children when they noticed her useless fingers had taught her to hide her emotions well. So although she was shocked, she didn't show it. She calmly answered, "Sex is a subject I have little knowledge of, but my limited experience has been a pleasurable one."
Zac laughed. He had to hand it to her. She handled the situation like no other woman could. And damned if he didn't enjoy talking to her like this. "I'm glad I brought you pleasure, Pru. I thought perhaps you might find the act not to your liking."
"No, no." she was quick to defend. "I found it so much more satisfying than I was led to believe."
"Married friends told you tales?"
"Many times."
"During tea?" He couldn't help but ask, thinking of all the proper ladies sitting about, teacups in hand, munching on sweet cakes and discussing the conditions of their husbands' crotches.
"Usually," she answered, and couldn't help but smile herself.
"Were any pleased with their husband's performance?"
"No, I'm afraid many just tolerated their husbands' fumbling."
"Yes, most referred to it, for polite reasons, as fumbling. Others called it disgusting, beastly, degrading, barbaric—"
"I get the point," he said. "Not even one enjoyed it?"
She shook her head. "Not one."
"You would have been the exception."
She smiled broadly. "Oh my, yes, although I would have never discussed you with them."
"Silence many times speaks louder than words. Their own vivid imaginations would be enough to drive them crazy, and besides, what you and I share is private. Something personal and special, not something discussed over tea and cakes."
Zac had to admit the lady had class. It might irritate him at times, but at other times it made him damned proud she was his wife.
"I still don't understand the problem, Zac?"