Page 87 of Tame My Wild Touch
"Come with me, Pru," his voice urged from somewhere in the distance. "Come with me."
She raced up to meet him, throwing her hips against his, matching his power, filling herself with him as he filled her. Together they exploded, clinging, yearning to feel every bit of that infinite moment.
Zac cradled Prudence in his arms afterwards, wanting her close to him.
"Tired?" he asked, concerned about her stillness.
He laughed and hugged her to him even tighter. "So I filled you up, did I?"
"More than I ever imagined possible," she said, squeezing his leg between hers.
"You like what I do to you?"
She shook her head against his chest. "No, I love what you do to me."
"Well, there’s a lot more you’re going to love," he teased.
She stiffened slightly in his arms. He could feel the change in her, as though she were alarmed. "Something wrong, Pru?"
She cuddled closer to him. "No, nothing."
But he knew her better and he knew what disturbed her, knew her fears. Soon he would use the key that would ease her worries and still her pain. Soon he would unlock his heart and tell her how very much he loved her. How he had since the first time he kissed her, very soon, but not just yet. He didn't want to give her an ultimatum, to force her to make a choice between ranch life and Boston. He wanted her decision to be based on one factor: her love for him.
Given a little more time, that would be possible. He was certain of it, as certain as he was of his love for her.
Zac slept easily that night, convinced he had Prudence in hand, convinced there were no obstacles to overcome, and convinced he had everything under control.
"I can't believe she's been here only two weeks and has accomplished so much," Bertha said, setting out fresh baked breads and homemade jams on the long table already stocked with a variety of foods.
Silver Fox moved some of the warm fruit pies around to make more room. "At the rate folks are turning up for this church raising, we'll need two more tables to accommodate everyone."
"Zac's already ordered the men to fix up two more tables," Bertha informed her, smiling as she accepted a crock of baked beans from Mrs. Gooden.
"Looks like the church will be ready in plenty of time for your wedding, Bertha," Mrs. Gooden remarked with a smile. "Everyone around these parts is looking forward to the big event."
"It's thanks to Prudence I’ll have my wedding in a church," Bertha commented appreciatively.
"That young lady is a whirlwind of activity," Mrs. Gooden said with glee. "She's added a whole lot of life to this town. Why, Sam can't stop talking about that dance she held out at her place last week, and Norma Bennet can't wait for next Wednesday and the Ladies Social Club meeting. And this church . . . My, oh my, she's something else."
"Yes, she is very special," Silver Fox added warmly.
"Well, I’m off to help the other ladies with the quilt we're working on for you-know-who as a belated wedding gift." Mrs. Gooden nodded toward Prudence, who was walking toward them.
"I’ll be over to help later," Bertha whispered.
Mrs. Gooden waved her slim hand and was off with a short stop by Prudence, telling her how wonderful everything was going and how proud all the citizens were of the new church.
Prudence joined Bertha and Silver Fox at the table, checking on the supply of food and laughing at the abundance of it. "And I was worried there wouldn't be enough."
"Do you ladies mind if I take a minute to bring some cider to Charlie? He looks mighty thirsty," Bertha said, glancing appreciatively at Charlie's solid bulk as he helped raise one of the church walls.
"Go ahead," Prudence said, having just returned from a similar errand of mercy.
"You have made a good home here," Silver Fox said after Bertha had left.
A shade of sadness descended over Prudence's face. "Yes, I have."
"Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing," she answered, and forced a cheerful smile to her face. She wanted to scream and yell, yes. . . she didn't want to lose her husband or her home or the friends she had made here. But time was running out and soon she would say good-bye to it all.
She had even found herself fantasizing that Zac loved her and perhaps would beg her to stay, insist that she stay. But again it was only her fanciful dreams.
"Something troubles you."
Prudence nodded her head. "Much troubles me."
And suddenly she found she wanted to speak of the one thing that she hadn't discussed with anyone since her arrival. "I came west to find my mother. She left my father and me many years ago. I was lucky and picked up her trail, but each time I got close I'd lose her track again. It saddens me to know that I didn't succeed in my original reason for venturing out here."