Page 99 of Tame My Wild Touch
"Perhaps if I hadn't been so blind, so wrapped up in thinking our life perfect, I would have been able to see your distress," James offered, attempting to take the blame for all that had happened.
Lenore shook her head anxiously. "No, it was my foolishness that has kept us apart and me away from the daughter I love dearly. I should have been strong and had more faith in our love, perhaps even in myself, but I was young and frightened."
James hugged her hand to his chest. "I'm angry for all the wasted years, for all the love lost. I want us to be together again."
"You can forgive me for what I've done?" She looked through a pool of unshed tears at his face, which had remained as handsome as when she had first met him.
"Forgive?" he repeated. "I should forgive you for sacrificing all you held dear to protect your daughter and me? It is I who should ask for forgiveness for not being the husband I should have been."
Lenore reached up and touched his face, as though making certain he was really there beside her. "No, James. You were a wonderful husband and father. When I saw you the other day, my heart almost broke in two. I realized how very much I love you and how much I've missed you. And when you looked at me with such pain and regret, I thought I would die."
He kissed her hand and held it tightly. "I was angry and confused when I recognized you. Then I experienced an overwhelming relief, which was instantly replaced by a raging anger at what you had done. After talking these last few days, I've come to understand so much. You could have left when you discovered who Prudence was —"
She stilled his words with her fingers to his lips. "I was so happy to meet her. I couldn't bring myself to leave her again. I wanted so much to get to know her. I had run enough. It was time for me to face things."
"Prudence can be stubborn," he offered in way of explanation for his daughter's refusal to speak with Lenore.
"She has a right to feel as she does. I hurt her terribly."
"She survived. She's strong and resilient. A true Winthrop," he said with pride.
"I have spoken with her, James. She has many emotional scars from my desertion. It will take time, much time. And our relationship may never mend."
"She is confused, as I was. Talk with her and she will understand," he urged, anxious for his wife and daughter to be reunited so they could once again be a family.
"I will try my best."
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We have much to discuss and decide. You're not getting away from me again, even if I must grow my hair long and wear moccasins to keep you. We will spend the rest of our days together."
A teardrop fell from Lenore's eye and James reached up to brush it away. "I love you," he said, and leaned over to kiss her. His kiss was tentative at first; he was fearful that she would reject him. But when she didn't back away, when she welcomed him as though they had never been separated, he kissed her as he had many years ago.
"I love you," she whispered as he slipped his arm beneath her legs and lifted her to rest on his lap. He held her close, touching her and kissing her in a way that was old, yet new.
"We're still married," he teased with a passionate glint in his eyes.
"And my desire for you is still as fierce as it always was," she said, her smile inviting.
He stood with her in his arms. "James," she said, concerned, "you can't carry me upstairs."
"I most certainly can. I'm not that old. And I'll prove just how virile I've remained."
"Is it anything like when you were younger?" She placed her arms around his neck as he walked to the door.
"Worse. I doubt you'll make it out of the bedroom before nightfall," he warned most seriously, not having the least bit of trouble carrying her up the steps.
"I love you so very much, James," she said, reaching for his lips with her own.
James walked down the hall, through the guest bedroom door, his lips firmly locked with hers. He kicked the door closed.
It was almost nightfall when Prudence and Zac walked through the front door. The house was silent, reminding Prudence of the solemn situation. She was relieved they had left the cabin later in the day. Glad she had spent the morning hours making love with her husband. Glad the occupants of the house were asleep in their beds and it wouldn't be necessary to face them until tomorrow.
"Tired?" Zac asked from behind her while his arms circled around her waist to hug her to him in comfort and support.