Page 39 of Wolf of Bones
As far as I was concerned there was nothing to fight over.
“Our territory is rich with resources. Do you know how much revenue Prudhoe Bay generates with the oil fields? The Deofol pack controls all of that. We run the drilling operations, the refineries. All of it. Millions of reasons why the clans fight and they all involve barrels or dollar bills.” Maria opened the interior door leading to a sprawling antechamber.
Basket lights were suspended from the ceiling by long steel cables and cast a soft, natural glow throughout the open space. Lush fabrics and furs decorated their meeting room. It was a welcome contrast to the harsh, unforgiving outdoors and unkempt kennel.
“Don’t look so shocked, Princess Talia.” Erin spat out my title like it left a bitter taste in her mouth, and rolled her eyes. “We have heat and running water too. We’re not living in the dark ages.”
“Bjorn is trying to force me to marry a demon god. That’s pretty dark, Erin.” I fired back, putting the same tone and emphasis into her name that she’d used with mine.
“We brought you to the meeting house as the alpha asked. We fulfilled our duty to the Bon Clan pack. You’re on your own.” Erin grabbed Maria by the arm and pulled her to her side. “Come on, I need a drink.”
Maria looked like she wanted to apologize for her packmate’s behavior, but Erin whisked her away before she had the chance.
An awkward hush fell over the room, conversations coming to an abrupt halt, as everyone in the packed room turned their attention to me. The crowd parted into three groups that I assumed represented the different clans. Everyone in attendance was dressed in their ceremonial best.
Except for me.
My fleece lined jeans and plaid flannel shirt were a far cry from the suits and sweater dresses worn by the rest of the event’s attendees. Which I suspected was not an accident.
I searched the sea of faces for Erin’s and found her smirking at me over the rim of a clear plastic cup.
Bitch. I mouthed the word, hoping she could read my lips. To which she raised her cup in mock salute and downed its contents.
“Welcome, Princess Talia, daughter of the Bone Clan and heir to the throne.” Bjorn’s baritone voice boomed through the room, and commanded the full attention of every wolf in his pack. “This is a joyous occasion. After too many years without a true heir, the Bone Clan can finally fulfill their obligation and satisfy our god.”
The group of wolves in the center of the room dipped their heads and bowed to their alpha. A familiar face rose to address her leader.
“It is not an obligation but an honor, alpha. The Bone Clan offers our heir willingly.” The silver haired beauty I’d met weeks before dropped into a deep and flawless curtsey, sparing a sideways glance in my direction.
She never mentioned anything about the Bone Clan or her allegiance to it when she approached me at the summit.
The nefarious plan she’d concocted with her brother Victor back in Montana became crystal clear. They planted the seed of curiosity. Teased me with just enough information to lure me here and then offer me up to the demon wolf god when once I showed up.
I felt like a first rate sucker and worse for having drawn Galen into this with me.
“And we thank you for you and your family’s loyalty.” Bjorn wrapped up his welcome speech and encouraged everyone to enjoy themselves and the festivities.
“Talia, it’s wonderful to see you again.” Valerie moved with a fluid grace, gliding across the floor as she approached me. “Victor was sure we’d over played our hand and you wouldn’t come.”
“Oh, you played your part quite well, Valerie.” I ground out behind clenched teeth and a forced smile. “My aunt warned me not to come, but I followed your little trail of breadcrumbs and here I am.”
“Sylvia?” Valerie slipped her arm through mine and clasped her hands together. “I haven’t spoken to her in ages. I think I heard she settled in Nebraska or maybe it was Iowa. How’s she doing?”
“She’s fine.” I didn’t dish the gossip or give her the scoop on my aunt.
It suspected Valerie was digging for information. The Deofol pack didn’t take kindly to deserters and the Bone clan lost two important wolves when my mother and her sister ran away. They eventually caught up with my mother, but my aunt managed to give them the slip.
Silvia stayed off their radar for years and I had no intentions of being the one that gave her up. She told Galen and I not to come, that the demon wolf clans lived up to their names. We should have listened.
“Let me introduce you to the other princesses. They’re dying to meet you.” Valerie started toward the clan clustered together on our left. “The Blood Clan.”
“I thought they were called heirs and not princesses?” I let my arm go limp and slide through the crook of her elbow, refusing to take even one step toward the other pack members.
“They are, but in your absence both were presented to the demon wolf God and assumed the title. But you bear his marks and by rights the title is yours.”
She glanced at my arm and then to my feet which were unmoving and firmly planted on the floor.