Page 55 of Wolf of Bones
Somehow, in the midst of our nightmare ordeal, she’d come up with a plan to free herself - and me - from the bonds of the Deofol pack. But she wouldn’t share the details of that plan until I shifted, forcing the lingering effects of the tranquilizer out of my system and healed my wounds.
I called my wolf and gave myself over to him. The shift hurt like hell, tearing sore muscles, ripping newly knitted skin and electrifying fraud nerves.
My wolf sat on the exam table, panting like an eager puppy and ignoring my commands to shift back. He wanted attention from Talia, the woman and wolf he’d claimed as his mate. He yipped, nudging her hands with his snout when she tried to silence him and rested his muzzle on her shoulder when she scratched behind her ears.
I pulled on the magic that controlled a werewolf’s ability to shift and forced my wolf back into the recesses of my mind and soul where he lived.
“Galen.” Talia rushed in, wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. “I’m so glad you’re okay. You were barely healed before you fought those two wolves. What were you thinking?”
“That I could get us out of here.” I gave one last squeeze, eased out of the hug and offered a self deprecating smile. “Things did not go according tomyplan. So, let’s hear about yours.”
“Right, my plan. Valerie was helping me get ready and she let slip...” Talia’s gaze raked over my naked body and her tongue snaked across her lower lip. “Sorry, it’s hard to concentrate when you’re like that.”
“Like what?” I couldn’t help but tease her when she blushed like that.
“Naked.” She closed her eyes, smiled and shook her head. No doubt clearing away the wicked thoughts she had about me. She unfastened her cloak and tossed it to me with a chuckle. “Here, cover yourself up. We don’t have a lot of time. Valerie is out there waiting for me.”
“Okay, I’m decent. You can open your eyes now.” I laughed, tugging at the fabric of her dress.
She looked amazing in the long flowing gown, her golden hair pulled back in a braid. I wanted nothing more than for our problems with the Deofol pack, the demons and the demon god to be over. Talia belonged with the Long Claw pack.
She belonged with me.
“That looks good on you, but I prefer your wolf’s coat to rabbit or minx.” She punctuated her starlight smile with a wink. “Okay so, my plan is to find the demon wolf goddess-”
“Wait, the demon wolf goddess?” I asked, utterly confused and scrambling to catch up. “There’s a goddess too?”
Yes, and she doesn’t subscribe to her husband’s polygamy.” Talia shrugged and feigned surprise. “I mean, why wouldn’t a goddess want to share her all powerful husband. Anyway, according to Valerie, it’s the goddess behind the demon attacks. She’s targeting areas with blood ties to the demon wolf clans.”
“And you want to, what? Let me guess. Go find the goddess and reason with her.” I had to admit, it was a good plan. Talia collected some amazing intel from Valerie. There was just one problem. “How are we getting out of Boot Hill to go search for her?”
“Well, I am a princess and that does have its privileges.” Talia raised the hem of her dress and dipped into a curtsey.
“For you, maybe. But Bjorn isn’t going to let us just wander around together.”
“I have a solution for that too. It’s not ideal.” She winced and offered up phase two of her plan to reach the demon wolf goddess. “In fact, it’s less than ideal and potentially problematic.”
“Talia, just tell me what it is. I can handle it.” Whatever she had to say, it was obvious she thought I wouldn’t like it.
“A princess is allowed to have a consort and all that entails.”
“A consort, huh? That doesn’t sound so bad.” I kidded and wiggled my eyebrows to lighten the mood with hopes of making it easier for her to tell me the rest of her plan.
“It’s not the job description we need to worry about. It’s the length of the contract.” Talia sighed and rushed through the rest of the explanation. “If we convince the goddess to help us, we win. No problem. You’re still alpha of the Long Claw pack-”
“And if we don’t convince her? If we can’t stop the wedding, or the demons, what then?” I asked, though I suspected I already knew the answer.
“Then I marry the demon wolf god and you’re my consort. Forever.” She turned away from me and faced the door. “I understand if you don’t want to help me. This doesn’t take two people. I can find her on my own.”
“Forever is a long time.” I slid off the exam table and closed the distance between us, wrapping my arms around her. “It would be even longer without you to spend it with.”
She went limp in my arms, the tension and nerves disappearing once she heard my response. We were in it together. All the way. I loved her too much not to see it through to the end.
“Galen, are you sure?” Talia spun in my arms so we stood face to face. “I can do this without you. The pack-”
“The pack will be fine. They’re in good hands with my betas and if the demon goddess is upset about her husband’s infidelity as you say, then there’s no reason for her not to help us.”
Talia looked up at me with those sapphire blue eyes and pulled me in. Like he had every day since the first day we met. I couldn’t say no to her.