Page 10 of Dirty Little Secret
Iwatch Holly walk off, unable to tear my eyes away from that perfect little ass. Honestly, I had no idea she was going to be here. After last night, I went out of my way to distract myself from thinking about her, but when I saw her standing in the ballroom in that sexy little dress, I knew it was a sign. What are the chances that we’d both be here tonight?
The fact that she was brazen enough to bury her fingers in her pussy in public simply because I asked her to… Jesus.
What else is she willing to do to please me? I’m sure as hell ready to find out. Fuck the consequences. It’s time to go after what I want, and right now, it’s her.
Nick is still at the bar, surrounded by a group of women, soaking up their attention. He’s clearly moved on, so I take the opportunity to send Holly a text. Maybe I should feel bad texting her with my son around, but I don’t. Watching him drool over every other girl in this place makes me certain he’s done with Holly for good. At least, until he finds out I’m in the picture, then some sense of pride might cause him to try to win her back. Not that it matters, because after I’m done, she’ll know how it feels to have a real man between her legs, one who is intent on pleasing her.
Me: You didn’t answer my question. Did you come?
Holly: Yes. I came hard. Happy?
Me: I won’t be happy until my cock is buried deep inside you.God, thethings I’m going to do to you, sweet little Holly... I’m going to make every fantasy you have come true.
“Who are you texting?”
I jump as Nick slides back into his seat.
Where the hell did he come from?
“Nobody important.”
I turn my phone face down on the table and pick up my drink, gulping it back. Nick reaches over and snatches up my phone. Fuck. It takes every ounce of control for me to keep still and calm as he looks at the still-open texts on screen. I wait for him to recognize her phone number, but he looks up at me with a look of pride in his eyes and I know I’m home free.
“Wrong number, huh?” Nick reads the last few texts on the screen and hands me back the phone, a smirk on his lips. “Go for it, Dad, or I will.”
I snort. If only he knew.
“But seriously, this chick sounds kinky as fuck. She’s clearly eating out of your hand. Go for it.” He offers me a fist bump, and the whole interaction seems surreal as our knuckles meet. “I guess we’re both big dogs, huh?”
I let out a chuckle.
Yeah, we’re not even in the same league, kid.
“So how are things going with you?” I ask, changing the subject.
It’s been a few days since we’ve talked which is why I suggested catching up for a drink tonight. We have a good relationship, but at the same time, our similarities work against us. We both have a habit of getting caught up in our own shit and forgetting to connect. It’s something I’ve been trying to work on fixing.
“I’m good.” He gives me a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes.
“You sure about that?”
He makes a face. “Fine, I’ve been better.” He glances around, then he lets out a sigh. “I don’t know. What if I made the wrong decision ending things with Holly?”
Well shit, I wasn’t expecting this.
I feel awkward talking about Holly with him, given what’s happened over the last twenty-four hours. The last thing I want to do is interfere in their relationship, but I don’t want to be pushing her back into his arms either.
“You broke up for a reason,” I finally remind him. “Do you actually miss her, or do you miss the things that went with being in a relationship?”
“A bit of both, I guess,” he murmurs after a moment. “I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t rush into anything…”
“That sounds like a good idea. Give it some time and then see how you feel,” I suggest. “The last thing that girl needs is you fucking around with her feelings again.”
“Yeah, you’re right. What I need to do is find myself a rebound. Help get her out of my head.”