Page 56 of Break Me
Just focus on breathing…
Closing my eyes for just a second, I’m suddenly somewhere else.
It’s my foster home. Victor is shouting at me like a crazy man. I glance to my left, where Jake's body lies. Blood is everywhere, all over Victor, the walls and the floor. A steady stream of blood seeps into the carpet beneath my brother’s body. My heart jumps in my chest as I stare at him, panicked. I try to scream but nothing comes out because all I can focus on is Jake’s eyes.
They’re so empty.
He’s gone.
Victor lunges at me, but I hold my ground. Rage and pain swirl viciously in my stomach. When he launches at me again, I’m ready. I push him with everything I have inside me, sending him stumbling back and then I run, I run, I run into the kitchen to grab the biggest knife I can find—
My mind snaps back to reality.
I’m not in that house anymore. Instead, I’m sitting on the ground in the middle of a forest, surrounded by trees, my body violently shaking. Confused, I look around, no idea where I am. Birds call in the distance. It would almost be peaceful, if it wasn’t for the pit of dread in my stomach. Something bad has happened, I know it.
Tentatively, I get to my feet, my legs weak. I look around, trying to figure out what is going on. I see the cliff ahead of me and inch toward it, until I’m close enough to peer over the edge. Revulsion hits me when I see her body. It’s broken in unimaginable ways that no person could possibly have survived. I stare down at my bloodied hands as I slowly back away.
Oh shit, oh shit,oh shit.
What have I done?
Driving down the highway, I turn down the dirt track, my mind buzzing with theories. I have this feeling. I can’t describe it, but I can’t shake the feeling that Chloe is about to do something she will regret. Thank God for the Find My Phone app, and the fact that I was still able to access Marissa’s computer at home. Too bad if I’m wrong and there’s no connection between them at all. Maybe Marissa being involved in Chloe’s case was just one of those freaky coincidences? I only hope it’s not.
I pass a deserted cabin, not far from Wilson’s Lake. It’s a beautiful area and under any other circumstance, I’d be marvelling at the amazing view of the hills as they backdrop against the glassy lake. I have other things on my mind, though. Like finding my student lover before she hurts my wife.
The little red marker flashes, telling me I’m close to Marissa, so I pull over. I glance back at the cabin, wondering if that’s my best bet to start looking. Really, they could be anywhere, though. She might not even have her phone with her. Shit. I hadn’t considered that until now.
My thoughts are interrupted by a blood curdling scream.
Turning around, I sprint in the direction of the scream, to find Chloe on the ground. She holds her head as she rocks back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably. I run to her, falling to my knees beside her and wrapping her in my arms. I half expect her to fight me, to push me away and fall even deeper into whatever hole her mind has thrown her in, but she doesn't.
“Chloe, what happened? Where is Marissa?” I ask her softly.
She whimpers in response, and it just makes me want to hold her tighter.
“Fuck, you’re bleeding,” I murmur. I push back her hair to get a better look at the deep gash above her right eye. She flinches and I soothe her as best I can, kissing the top of her head. “It's okay, Clo. You're safe.”
Glancing around, I take in the scene. There's no sign of a struggle but there’s no sign of Marissa, either. A quick look toward the crumbling cliff edge makes the uneasy feeling in my stomach explode.
Easing Chloe from my arms, I wander over and peer over the edge. I see the swath of long blonde hair and the thick spray of blood. It's all I can take in before my stomach turns and I have to turn away. There’s no way in hell she survived that, but just in case, I hike down the cliff and check her body for a pulse. There is none and from the angle of her neck, I know she’s gone.
Feeling numb, I dial Isaac as I scale back up the cliff, thanking God for the tiny bar of reception I have. I don't even know how to explain to him what happened—it's obvious to me what went on here, but I can't bring myself to say it. Chloe killed Marissa. She killed my wife, and now I need help cleaning up the mess. But for now, I just tell him there has been an accident and Marissa is dead.
“Stay put,” I register him saying as I make my way back to Chloe. “I have some police friends who owe me a favour. I'll send them to you. Make sure you're safe.”
Safe. It seems laughable.
Of all the things Chloe is to me, dangerous in that respect doesn’t feel like one of them.
“Come on,” I say, helping Chloe to her feet. “Let’s get you out of the cold.”