Page 63 of Break Me
I can’t help but laugh at how blunt she is.
“Your dad and I have a dinner to go to and we’ll be back late,” I explain, kissing her on the top of the forehead as I lead her up the path, to a waiting Amanda. “Now be good and try not to ask too many inappropriate questions, ’kay?”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too, kiddo.”
Amanda winks at me from the door and hides a thumbs up behind her husband's back.
On the way home, I pick up some new lingerie and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. I want to hope for the best, and there's no better way to butter Sam up than with a lot of bare skin and sex. In that respect, he hasn't changed much at all, but I'm more than okay with that. In fact, I love being able to affect him so easily after all these years.
The lingerie I choose is a soft baby doll pink, the cup size barely enough to hold my breasts since I know Sam likes it when they look like they're about to spill out. The panties are sheer and silky, and the whole outfit comes with a thin chemise with thin shoulder straps.It doesn't hide a goddamn thing, I think idly, admiring how it stops short just at the top of my thighs.
Nerves start to creep in, as I finish applying my makeup and then sit at the window waiting for Sam to come home. It’s only a matter of waiting now. I'm so focused I almost jump out of my skin when the phone rings, prompting me to curse and run downstairs to answer it.
There's a moment of silence, and then a familiar sniff of disdain. “Chloe.”
I sigh. It's Marissa's mother. Therese hasn't softened at all toward me or Sam after what happened to Marissa, and neither has her husband. I hate that we can't cut them out completely, but they are Kelsie's grandparents, and God knows I understand better than most people how important family is.
“Bold of you to answer the phone like you belong there,” she scathes, even though she knows this is as much my home as it is Sam’s. “I'd like to speak to Kelsie, please.”
“She's not here,” I say, trying to keep my voice as cool and collected as possible. I won't give her the satisfaction of knowing she riled me up. “She's staying with Isaac and Amanda for the night.”
I get another derisive sniff for that comment. “You'll never be her mother, you know,” she says coldly. “Especially not if you're foisting her off on whoever you can for the night just so you can spend the night humping her father.”
My eyes narrow as I bite back the slew of colourful remarks on the tip of my tongue. I know she’s trying to bait me, and I refuse to give her the satisfaction.
“I’ll have her call you tomorrow,” I say instead. “Have a good night, Therese.”
I hang up the phone sharply, wishing for a moment that the older rotary phones still were popular so I could slam it down properly. Walking out of the room, I huff to myself. The nervousness from before taking on a new edge, which follows me back upstairs.
Christ, what if Samisn'thappy about me getting pregnant?
What if he sees it as an attempt to replace Marissa and Kelsie in his life?
I never would, I adore that little girl more than anything, but still…
We’ve never really spoken about it; starting a family. Well, we have, but not thissoon.It doesn't feel like we've had enough time together, but at the same time, what else is there? I've finished college with my social work degree, we live together, and I love him more than life itself…
But what if he doesn't feel the same way?
Oh, shit, he's home. I didn't even notice his car pull up.
“Upstairs!” I call, pulling a robe around me quickly.
I meet him out in the hall with a smile, even though it's a little flustered. I can tell he sees right through it, but he doesn’t comment as I go to him and kiss him before helping him with his tie.
“Where's Kelsie?” he asks.
“With Isaac and Amanda,” I reply, giving him a slow grin. “I thought we could have the night to ourselves…”
His eyes flash with interest, his handsome face melting into a smirk to match my own. “Oh?” he asks, tugging on the belt of the robe. His pupils go wide when he sees the lingerie beneath.
I take a deep breath. Of the many things I am, I am not a coward. I'm not going to back down from telling him. “You see, things are about to get a whole lot busier around here…”