Page 25 of Love Over Easy
“You do. And you know what?”
“I want to explore them allwithyou.”
“But not in fucking, Anchorage, Kin.” Rowan holds me tight against him in that possessive way that melts my bones. “We’re staying in Caribou Creek or I’m not doing this with you. If you have some desperate need to go back to the city—”
“I’m staying, Rowan.”
“Just like that?”
“I talked to my sisters last night. It’s what I came over to tell you. Before we got…distracted.” I cup his cheek and reach up on tiptoes to kiss him. My body melts against his in an instant, reassuring me I’ve made the right decision. Rowan has always been my future. It just took me a while to figure it out.
“I’m glad you already decided to stay,” he says between kisses. “Because I meant what I said last night. You’remine.” He cups my ass and squeezes, rocking my hips against his impressive erection. I moan at the feel of him. “I’m about to remind you of that right now.”
About two weeks later…
“Can you believe we did it?” Willow says, draping her arms around Aurora and me, tugging us against her. It’s amazing how close we’ve become over the past few weeks. I’m not about to question a good thing. “We kept the diner from burning to the ground for a whole month.”
“I’m nervous what Grandma Rose will think about the books,” I admit. Though I didn’t dispose of the paper ledgers, I have converted every last record to an electronic system. I’m secretly hoping Dell is ready to retire and that Grandma Rose will want me to take over the bookkeeping. I don’t need the job to stay in Caribou Creek, but it would be nice to be a part of the family business.
I search the growing crowd for a sign of him. We may have put up a few too many streamers. It makes it harder to see everyone who walks in the diner. If it weren’t for Mason outside on lookout, we wouldn’t be able to spot Grandma Rose when she arrives at her own surprise party.
“I think she wanted us to take some initiative above and beyond just keeping things afloat,” Willow says. “I think she’ll be thrilled.”
“I hope so.”
“I bet she even keeps some of Rowan’s specials on the menu.”
“Speaking of Rowan, are you going to tell us what your big announcement is yet?” Aurora asks me.
“As soon as Rowan gets here.” It’s been hard keeping such a big secret from my sisters these past few days. I’ve been bursting at the seams, wanting to share the news. But until this afternoon, nothing’s been official.
“She’s here!” someone from the crowd calls, several other echoing.
“Places everyone!” Willow announces, using her director voice. The diner is packed beyond capacity, but if the fire marshal decides to be a sourpuss, we have several picnic tables set up out back.
Willow, Aurora, and I join hands, sharing excited glances.
Everyone shouts, “Surprise!” as Grandma Rose comes through the door.
She claps her white-gloved hands to her face, her eyes sparkling as she looks around. Dell comes in behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “What’s this all about?” She spots the three of us at the counter.
“Surprise! We didn’t bankrupt the diner!” Aurora announces.
The three of us engulf Grandma Rose in a group hug. “I’m more surprised you girls didn’t kill each other.” The crowd around us laughs.
“We wanted to throw a welcome back party in your honor,” Willow explains, draping her arm over Grandma Rose’s shoulder and leading her to a special table.
Before I can follow, I spot Rowan filling the doorway. God, that man looks better and better every day. I’m still shocked that he’s been in love with me all this time. More shocked that I was too blind to see it. I’ve made a commitment to make up for lost time. Bear stands beside him, disgruntled about having to stay outside the propped open door.
Behind them, the police chief strides into the diner.
Aurora squeaks, hiding behind me.